I feel

It's all very well losing weight, but we have to think what we're losing it for. If we carry on doing the same old thing we were doing when we were fat then what was the point of it?

And if we put off doing anything 'until we're slim' then life will pass us by whilst we're planning for life - if you get what I mean.

Yes RD i know exacly what you mean it's finding that fine line and knowing what i want to put off until i lose weight or getting out and about and doing postitive things on my journey to being slim in the past i have alway's alway's put things off and i know i have to change mentally or the things i put off will never actually happen!

Hope that makes some sense.

In total i have about 8 stone to lose but really id be happy with 4 or 5 stones off i have just got heavier and heavier after failing on every diet i have tried!!
I have about 8st to lose too Ronnie so we'll be running side-by-side :)

Like you though, I'm willing to be flexible - if I get to 12st and feel happy, I may well stop and have a rethink.
I have about 8st to lose too Ronnie so we'll be running side-by-side :)

Like you though, I'm willing to be flexible - if I get to 12st and feel happy, I may well stop and have a rethink.

Do you plan on doing CD all the way? im not sure i could, i plan on losing a couple of stone on CD then switching to WW but i'll be playing it by ear and if i feel happy on CD long term i may very well stick it out.
I sole sourced on CD almost all the way to goal last time. When I got 2st away from goal, I didn't feel as desperate and started messing about with the plan - BIG mistake.

This time, I'd ideally like to grab the ball and run with it i.e sole source ALL the way to goal. The only adjustment I'd make later on might be to move up to the 790 plan - and even then I'd make sure I stuck to the rules.

It's just my opinion but if you do CD, get into ketosis and lose a couple of stones then why upset the apple-cart and switch to a different plan? If it works - why change it?

I know it seems daunting now but it'll seem less so when you're a couple of months in and three dress sizes smaller!

It just seems such a long time to go without food im not sure i could do it so i suppose im preparing myself in advance just in case although in saying that i would really love to be able to stick to CD all the way to goal.

You start satarday so only 2 day's to go now i'll be keeping a watchfull eye on you;)
Don't think of the big picture Ronnie ... just think about the week ahead - even the DAY ahead if it makes it easier.

I remember thinking 'OMG - I've not eaten food for a week!' then it was two weeks, then a month and after that, it was just a way of living and was no problem at all. I used to prepare yummy dinners for the family and even sniff it without blinking an eye! I know it seems impossible now but honestly, it gets really easy once you're in ketosis!

We can do this!! We have the same amount to lose so we can be CD twinnies!
I've already joined the January challenge on here and pledged 12lb by the end of January (as i'm starting a week in). Why not add your name to the long list of challengers - just makes it more fun.
We can do this!! We have the same amount to lose so we can be CD twinnies!
I've already joined the January challenge on here and pledged 12lb by the end of January (as i'm starting a week in). Why not add your name to the long list of challengers - just makes it more fun.

CD twinnies :D

I just joined the january challenge ten mins ago i put 14lbs:eek: just hope i can reach my mini goal!

Im sure you'll lose your 12lbs in no time you sound much more positive than im feeling!

Good Luck.
Hi Ronnie,

You've received a whole lot of inspirational advice from which I've also taken lessons. If there's one hard brick wall lesson I've learnt and can pass on it is this - BE KINDER TO YOURSELF. What you put out into the universe is what you get from the people receiving your messages. So that long list of negative stuff becomes reaffirmed. In other words, if you put out 'I'm worthless', then people tend to see you this way.

I'm still learning how to practice this lesson myself. A look in the mirror and a little smile to myself every once in a while helps.