I have lost a third of my body weight!

well done you x
I'm really impressed with how you've turned your life around. Did you change your way of thinking alone or did you use any tools? And I won't be roller skating when I get to goal as I have a 16 year old daughter in plaster with a fractured wrist from doing just that! I would like to be able to cycle again though.
I like it that your pre-diet pix is of you sitting, and after pix is of you actively enjoying life!
Aww - treef. decided on an idle moment to see if you had the familiar username here, too - and you did! Dunno if you'll see this but you know it anyway: you and gaijingirl have been proper, honest-to-betsy inspirations to me. Loves ya, baby. ;)
It's way to long since I last visited this section of the forum, what great and inspiring pics Tf, well done and I hope you are still doing well
Awesome. I've had to temporarily take leave of derby because I gained so much extra weight so quickly I lost all confidence but I'm gonna get my weight down and get back on the skates!
Well done, what an amzing transformation - well done, enjoy your new active healthy lifestyle!
Carrie, just go to your local rink, strap some skates on and go for it! We have a couple of girls training with us who are larger, and they are getting a lot out of it in terms of exercise that's FUN!

And thank you D2BS, I kickstarted my weightloss with the Cambridge diet, but after a couple of weeks (and with the breakdown of my relationship with my ex-partner) I came off it and went solo. I discovered that having a few weeks on such a strict diet was enough to make me realise just how much I had been eating before, and what was now a "sensible" amount to eat. It's taken me a long time this way (four years from CD to now) but there's been no yo-yoing, no binge/diet cycle, just an understanding that I had to change my mindset towards food! I wish you the best of luck on your journey, if you can change your attitude to food you WILL do it! :)

Just wanted to comment on this to say a huge WELL done, im immensely impressed.