29th August, Update
I have been away for a month, and have lost 9lbs - fantastic.
I have lost every week whilst I have been on Light - it works very well for me, but I am committed to do it. I now find saying No very easy. I order exactly what I want in the a restaurant - no fat or oil on anything, or it will go back to the kitchen. If it says oil, I want it in a separate jug.
Thanks for Lighter Life Lite and the programme, it now makes me think where food and drink are in the social life. I seem to enjoy the sociallising better these days, than I have ever done before, and no hangover. Ok, I know I am still on my way to the weight I want to be, and perhaps once I am down to that weight and on my way to phrase 1 of Route to Management, thoughts may change, but I think for the better, as I learn more.
So if you wondering whether to do it, or to carry on, DO IT, give it a try. It is for such a short time, and you will feel overwhelmed once you have achieved your goal. What have you got to loose, but pounds in weight!
I can now wear clothes that my body actually likes, not just because they fit.
I have also managed to have a good sort out and have fewer clothes now! That might mean a shopping trip!
I like wearing belts and this season in fashion is a cardigan and belt. I love looking at the fashion magazines, and seeing what is coming up, and hopefully adapt it to my style. Before I wasn't interested what so ever.
I will leave you with this thought, and maybe you will have a thought of your own as to why you should carry on.
" I had to make some cupcakes back at the end of June, for a local fete. Up to that time I use to like to finger dip, whether it was raw or cooked cake mixture. I did wonder how I was going to achieve this, in the end came up with an idea:- I took my tea shirt off and my belly overhang the work surface - what a shock that was, fat popped out everywhere from my bra! That vision is still with me and probably will be for ever! - But it worked and still does, I never want to be like that again. Since then I have had smarties in my hand, fruit, cake, nuts,seeds and other cake decorations and have not been tempted to have any" Result.
Good Luck to you on your way to your goal.