ProPoints I HAVE to do it this time!!

Right 7 weeks today and I'm off to see BACKSTREET BOYS in Birmingham!! I'm so excited!!
Hi Nessa, I am ok. Just tired. Hopefully I will be more awake at the weekend.
How are you? Looks like you're doing great with your eating. Xx
Hi Nessa, I am ok. Just tired. Hopefully I will be more awake at the weekend. How are you? Looks like you're doing great with your eating. Xx

Oh bless ya! I've been a bit tired this week too trying to get back into a routine.

I'm good thanks feeling so good about this diet I'm loving it at the moment xx
Just seen your dinner and now I have a craving for baked potato with cheese and beet root on the side! Mmmm

Lol sorry!! Xx
Need to get beetroot I love the stuff! Loved the fact it's zero points x

Oh I love it too but it has to be plain for me I hate pickled beetroot!!
Well it's curry for tea tonight can't get enough of it!!


Tried to capture the layers!! All that for 11pp
It was so good, I didn't have any meat in it just onions and mushrooms then noodles and sauce xx
I love curry too. Could eat it every day (with the odd Chinese thrown in) :) xx

This curry sauce tastes just like a Chinese curry AMAZING xx
How is that 11pp lol wow x
How is that 11pp lol wow x

I had 5pp worth of noodle and 6pp of curry sauce!!

I use the mayflower curry powder you get from farm foods you just mix it with water and heat it up yum xx
Ahhh fakeaway yum I may get some mayflower x