I just feel awful


I am so sorry to hear about Floyd.

I completly understand what your'e going through. I lost my Jacob nearly a year ago ( see the post at the top called furry friends and his photo is my avatar the white cat is our Jacob) i was absolutly hysterical, crying uncontrollably and had to have 2 days off work we felt as is we had lost our baby. he was my baby. my husband even realised that after he had gone.. he said to me one evening 'do you feel like you've lost your baby? and yes thats exactly how it felt.

reading your post has made me cry again. i so clearly feel the anguish and pain you're feeling. i sobbed my heart out for days. my husband cried too. we just held each other and cried out loud. i really know what it feels like to lose your special boy

a year on, and i still talk of Jacob every day. i miss him. Tango his brother misses him. i still sometimes cannot believe i will never see him again. but heres here with me every single day in my heart and in my mind. hes gone , but has left a big pawprint in our lives

im welling up typing this. my chest gets tight and tears fill my eyes.

someone sent me the rainbow bridge poem, and it is lovely. we also did things like have calanders made for all the family with photos of Jacob on them.

I shared Jacobs diary on this forum and it was a great form of therepy and i had some lovey people reply to me and email me with their kind thoughts and prayers

take care. cry when you need to. we need to grieve.
thinking of you
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Everyone has been so lovely to me on here and it has helped me enormously to read your messages. Whilst I am not dieting at the moment or taking part in any other threads, it has been very therapeutic to come on here and talk about Floyd. I am going back to work again today and I hope I don't end up hysterical like yesterday. :(
Aww Janey, be kind to yourself hun, don't be embarrassed or ashamed that you're grieving, you've lost someone very special & it takes time.

Lots of love

Hi Janey, I hope you had a better day today... if you didn't, don't feel ashamed or embarrassed, you are only human.

I know what you are going through and feel your pain and grief with you. I lost my beloved Fozzy two years ago and my eyes still well up and my chest tightens when I think of him. I found him when he was maybe a day or two old, eyes still closed, covered in fleas and maggots from top to bottom. I took him home, cleaned him up, seeked emergency vetinary treatment for him - the vet gave a very poor prognosis and told me he probably wouldn't make it past the next couple of days. I perservered, bottle fed him through the night and even came home from work in my breaks to see and feed him. He was amazing and thrived! He was my baby.

Then 2 years ago, I let him out in the morning as usual and called him shortly after for his food. No sign. Very strange. Called, and called and called again. No sign. I knew something wasn't right. By the evening I had printed up 'missing' posters, with the intention of posting them along my road to all the neighbours, incase he'd been accidently locked in their shed etc. I knocked on my next door neighbour's door only to be told that he's seen him lying on the road that morning and had seen someone stopping their car, picking him up and taking him away! I broke my heart! I went into melt down and cried hysterically for who knows how long! Not good at 5 months pregnant. Still a glimmer of hope...maybe he was hurt.. I tried phoning around all the local vets but couldn't talk for crying so my mum did it for me. No luck. I phoned in sick from work, went in the following day -sent home for breaking down, tried again a day after - sent home, the day after, broke down again and was called to the managers office, she showed genuine concern and after I had explained what had happened she couldn't believe that it was all over a cat and recommended I go home again and make an appointment to see the g.p!

A week later, after making more posters appealing for the driver of the vehicle to contact me with info, I had a phonecall off a woman a couple of streets away from me. She thought my fozzy, lying on the side of the road was her cat. She picked him up, took him home and when she walked into the kitchen, her cat was sat there looking at her. Apparently, she phoned the council to pick him up and they did...but I phoned the council and they told me they hadn't been called to that address and def not on a sunday. So I didn't get closure. That's all I needed. He would have been a fantastic moggy for my little girl to grow up with, so gentle, affectionate and playful. Life's a *****.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go on, just wanted to share my experience. It may not make you feel more at ease, but you were with him when he went, try and take comfort in that.
Sending you love and hugs (((((xxxxxxx)))))
Hi Janey

So glad you are feeling a little better now, stay off work as long as you need to and let the grieving process work on you in your own individual way

I think you were very lucky to have had such an amazing friend in your lovely little black cat, try and smile when you think of her and never ever forget the joy she bought to your life

Volunteering sounds like a fab idea

Be kind to yourself over this ~ its good for your soul

Luv Luv
My god what a beauty he was

Janey, my heart goes out to you hunny, I would be just as distraught if I lost either of my two cats. I wish I knew what to say to help relieve your pain but I know there is nothing xxx
Hi Janey- I hope you are okay- I have total empathy with you- my black cat Ellie died 3 years ago this week, and there is a bit of me that will always grieve for her and miss her- she sounds like she could have been Floyd's long-lost twin- she looked like him, was excpetionally clever and full of love and attention seeking behaviours. Its so damn hard to lose a pet, so don't be down on yourself about feeling so low. I still talk to Ellie sometimes in the garden- mad cat women eh? But I found it helped me- that her little cat spirit might be hanging around telling me I was doing it all wrong and how inferior humans are to cats (as if I didn't know!). Floyd will always be with you- and it sounds like he had a lovely life with you.
Big hug to you
Im so sorry for the loss of your friend

Beyond The Rainbow

As much as I loved the life we had and all the times we played,
I was so very tired and knew my time on earth would fade.
I saw a wondrous image then of a place that's trouble-free
Where all of us can meet again to spend eternity.

I saw the most beautiful Rainbow, and on the other side
Were meadows rich and beautiful -- lush and green and wide!
And running through the meadows as far as the eye could see
Were animals of every sort as healthy as could be!
My own tired, failing body was fresh and healed and new
And I wanted to go run with them, but I had something left to do.

I needed to reach out to you, to tell you I'm alright
That this place is truly wonderful, then a bright Glow pierced the night.
'Twas the Glow of many Candles shining bright and strong and bold
And I knew then that it held your love in its brilliant shades of gold.

For although we may not be together in the way we used to be,
We are still connected by a cord no eye can see.
So whenever you need to find me, we're never far apart
If you look beyond the Rainbow and listen with your heart.

cg - 1995
Hi Janey, I know this is a late posting but i am so sorry to hear about the loss of your cat. I have lost many pets over the years and had to have my old cat put down a shortish while ago (there is a thread). We have his ashes in a lovely wooden box that sits in an alcove bit of our fireplace and I talk to him. Just want to send you a big hug and to let you know how much I empathise with you.

Love, Lindy x