big bear
A bear on a mission!
I think you are aware of what you must do ultimately and are just prolonging what should be done.
It sounds to me as if her stealing is more than just theft. It sounds like a compulsion, an addiction.
You say she has had counseling?
She obviously has absolutely no conscience at all. Once again, I think you know what you have to do.
You have been dealing with this for long enough to know that no threats and no soft shoe approach is going to work.
You can not have her living with you. Why should you live in a fortress when she obviously does not care 2 jots about what you do to stop her stealing from you and worse than thay betraying your love for her. She is throwing it in your face.
Starlight, you are right about considering all the consequences of the outcome of charging her, but surely by now there is no other option either for themselves or for her. Or in fact for the protection of the next people she is going to steal from if the easy access to her parents money is cut off from her.
You really have tried haven't you ? My heart goes out to you.
You have to do the right thing long term. For her and for yourselves. You owe it to yourselves.
That was one of my thoughts Jack.
The engagement ring incident would be the final straw for me.
I think you have been incredibly patient and forgiving for far to many years.
If your daughter does not have some treatable medical condition that is causing her extreme behaviour i.e. a chemical imbalance I honestly think that you have to report her to the police. You appear to have tried everything in your power to help her, you have supported her, protected her and still love her. She counts on the fact you will not report her.
You have to protect her from herself because as I said earlier if you are out of the picture she has to find new victims and they will not take this like you have because remember it is only your love as parents that has allowed it to get this far. They will quite rightly see her for what she is. A thief and a liar and a heartless one at that. She is on a slippery slope to some really serious crime if she is not stopped.
Sorry to come across so harshly. I will probably get panned for my advice to you. But the way I see it is that you have done everything in your power to help your daughter and nothing has worked. You now only have the final option left.
Your eloquence in presenting the facts shows that you are an intelligent and very caring and loving parent.
Speak to you local police see what they advice.
I send you my heartfelt sympathy you are in an unenviable position.
hugs xxxxxx
Brilliant advice, I think though love is the way forward, you've tried everything else. Good Luck with it & please let us know how things go. remember we're always here if you need to off load with people that don't know you & we are a very honest bunch lol
Virtual hugs XXXXXX