Gold Member
1lb is great, well done
Have a good day.X
blossums said:Thanx KimmyHope you have a lovely day too
Think I need to remind myself why this is worth it!
My size 20 stretchy jeans' waistband dug into my belly so much I wouldn't be able to sit down in them so as soon as I got home I would have to change into something loose and baggy
I was falling asleep in the day time at least half the time due to my body not being able to deal with any carbs - sugar crahs sort of thing even though I wasn't even having much sugar
When buying clothes, there was no self expression, just buying a uniform almost - something plain to cover me up
carrying even a small bit of shopping home was exhausting!
Too tired to dance as much as I would like to
Far too hot when dancing
feeling like my life was on hold, bot really living
Feel better now, it's definately worth feeling a bit hungry!!!