Gold Member
Me chatting Noooooooo. I'm motivational on other people's threads sometimes.I'd just feel like a fraud being motivational on my own cos I've only lost about 7 pounds so far this year. Not exactly gonna set the heather alight with losses like that am I. Anyhoo I'm more interested in crafting and getting the house and garden sorted out atm well I will be once I'm free. And once the weather improves a bit. I'd break my spade if I tried to dig just now. Ground has been frozen solid for weeks. Some of the snow that fell a month and more ago is still lying around where it was deep. So bored of snow now. Want to see that fabled big yellow thing I've heard about in stories of yesteryear.
Um yes S....U.... N I think it was called.
Whats that sun thing you mentioned? Never heard of such a thing.