Hope you have had a good day xx
Hi Tinks
Yes I'm back on here most of the time again now. just got to bite the bullet & catch up with the tinsel thread!
Oh I spent a fair bit of yesterday doing that OMG what a chatty lot they are.
Sorry Jackie just took a little while to get my head back in working order. Hadn't realised it had expanded into days again.
Anyway I think I might be getting my head to work again as I felt much more positive yesterday here's hoping it lasts. Sorry I've been sucha poor excuse for a friend recently,
Hello Dear Patsy
Look see here its me .....
waving bingo wings
I think I may have found an errant Mojo
It's here if you want it
Can I pay express delivery for it please :gimi:
:missing: Purple Patsy, where are you? :hug99:
You found me lying in a gutter feeling sorry for myself.
Do I need to send out the search party again PP
where are you ??xxxxxx
Was here in my gutter all along
Waving my very large and flappy bingo wings at PP too! :bighug: xxxxxx
Becky Been reading your diary re JUDDDDDDDDDDDD today How many D's is that:8855:
OMG have I been AWOL that long.
She's around somewhere cos she commented on my diary, so she is definitely alive, or was up til about 6pm last night
Thanks for keeping everyone updated
You do a better job than me (obviously)
Howdy pp x
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Hi Jo my lovely positive pal.
How's the back/hip today.
:wavey: Hope you're ok PP
Thanks Corky Hopefully mended now just need to work as staying that way. Had a catch up on TT too OMG sooooooo much to read. V4L OMG what a shame. I'll be back soon.
Much better thanks Tinks. something clicked back into place in my head yesterday, just takes a while for it to get out through my hands cos I can't type.
Well my lovely friends thanks for not giving up on me while I was AWOL again. I really do appreciate all your kind words.
:thankyou: :sign0168:
So as I saud above I think something clicked back into place in my noggin yesterday and I feel a bit more positive. So beware I'll be back to my sarcy self before you know it.
Now all I need to do is get back to the healthy eating sort of SW stylee and relose this weight which has snuck up on me while I wasn't looking. Then I can focus on losing a whole lot more and getting healthy, well healthier (with all else I have wrong with me I think healthy would be a bit of a stretch)
So I'm off to do a bit of tidying up. I've been even more of a clarty mare than normal when I was down and once I've got a space big enough:giggle:I'm going to have a go at a Leslie mile or two. Think I can ignore my previous Leslie miles from my fitness goals as it was a long time ago. TBH I'd also like to go out for a walk but I can't find me waterwings. When can we have a dry day this summer. Think the dismal weather hasn't helped my mood any.
Might need to get a shift on with these plans cos obv I'm going to be watching the final from 2pm onwards.
Go Andy
Speak to y'all laters.