I really dont know what to do

Hi H

Sorry you had a gain this week :( and sorry I haven't been around much this week!

So - do you have the willpower to give it one more week??? If so post here every single thing that passes your lips :)D well everything you swallow ... okay I'm shutting up now lol) and every exercise you do.

You cannot be the only person this diet doesn't work for (which is what i tell myself everytime I have an unexpected gain!)

So have a slice of cheesecake put today behind you and start again tomorrow!!

Hiya H.
Im sorry to hear about your gain this week,all i can say is stick with it and im sure you will have a good loss next week.
Are you drinking enough water?
Chin up chuck,keep going and remember if you bite...write...sending you a big :hug99: xx
M, GD, Irene and Twiglet
thanks so much for your support it means a lot
I really dont feel much like posting today on anyone diary - sorry everyone
I just dont feel I can be supportive - knowing doing all the right things isnt always enough

I can do this for one more week - lets hope I am having some strange water retention thing for some odd reason

I feel very very low and am going out with the girls tonight to do some knitting in the pub - simply because I really really dont want to sink into depression having just clawed my way back out of the black hole

hopefully when I wake up tomorrow I will feel better and come back and feel I can be supportive to others
so far today I have had 14/19 points and as I dont drink I know I can stick to diet pepsi all night so points wont be a problem

again thanks :)
Fuzzy we were posting at the same time - I include you in the above of course
and are we doing another 100% week this week : hope so
Yes of course,if its helping peeps stay on track then thats great.
Just noticed you havent eaten all your points,will you be having something else tonight?
Have a nice time with the knitters (that is a command)and hope to see you tomoz all ready for your new 100% week.xxx
not sure if I will eat them all or save them up for a bit of cheese cake tomorrow night :)
Hey Hazel,
It's so dissapointing when youv'e been so good hun. Stick with it for another week. I remember reading on here somewhere that someone was advised by their leader to eat all their points. They also had a couple of weeks without losing. Maybe give it a try. Please don't lose heart, I'm sure your hard work will pay off.
Good luck for the coming week xx
Hayley thanks

I got up this morning feeling low but very determined
if I lose some weight (doesnt matter if it is only a little) I will go and buy my first summer dress on Monday after weigh in next week - I dont remember the last time I wore a dress - I am a combats and cut offs girl myself :) so a change of image to give me a lift I think

well this morning (unclothed) I weight in at 13st 1 5/8lb
so I really want to see that number go down

I have packed my lunch (trying something I have not eaten in YEARS)
I am going to have smoked salmon with a smear of houmous to stick the edge down and a HUGE amount of salad in 2 ww wraps for lunch
and strawberries for breakfast
I have also packed a splendips for snack if I need it and some sugar free lollies

so points
breakfast strawberries 2 points
lunch wraps as described 5 points

so 7 points of planned food with some extras in case I need them

slendips if I eat it 2.5 and sugar free lollies half each - so everything well under control for today
I am off soon to walk to work - might even pop in and buy summer dress this morning and NOT wear it until after monday - see how I feel when I have walked to work and if I have time before work starts :)
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Hi H

Food sounds good today! I keep forgetting abou the the lollies - must buy myself some. What's a slendip??

Hope you have a good day and buy that dress!

splendips are light philly cheese with crackers of some description and a dipping sauce or chutney
I am having the rice crackers and sweet chilli dipping sauce one - they were on offer in asda - I will pop it in the fridge at work and ONLY eat it if I need it - boredom can set in big time in the afternoons - I am taking a book and my knitting and have some sudokus to do if I need them - right off to work speak later

strange how I dont really feel like being on here today even though I KNOW it will be the best thing for me to do
hopefully during the day I will get around to all the diaries - if not sorry :)
Hi H, sorry i wasnt around for you last night. its such a bummer when you've been good and still not lost. i dont really know the answer but as someone else said it might be worth you doing a back to basics week or fast start, maybe even the wendy plan-anything has got to be worth a try. and make sure you ae drinking enough water.
My only other thought is could it be some of your medication?

anyway chin up we are all here for you.

twiggy the slendips are about 2.5-vary depending on the flavour and they are lovely
The splendips I have are 2.5 so good value and reasonably healthy could make it into lunch with carrot pepper and cucumber sticks

thanks peeps for the visits - I am only on 19 points a day so doing fast start doesnt make much difference to me and I averaged 16 points a day last week

so I think I will use all my points this week but on a weekly basis so it turns into a wendie plan thing and allow myself some of that cheese cake :)
Hiya H.:)
You better get thinking about that summer dress hunny that you WILL be buying on Monday!!!
Hmm those dips are my fave flavour too i lurve sweet chilli sauce...
Come on chick we can do this B-2-B..xx
Hey Hazel I dont know what to say to give you support, but today you seem to be in control... take it one day at a time and soon you will be in that summer dress (you better take photos so we can see how lovely you look!) BIG HUG AND KISSES
Hey hazel,
How's your day been, hope you enjoyed the cheesecake!
Have a good evening xx
No cheesecake tonight Hayley saving that for tomorrow
in the end I had 17 points yesterday and the same today so have four points in hand ready for the cheesecake tomorrow
E my friend with the two young boys came into work today and asked me if I would go out with her tonight - just to hobby craft - so that made a nice change - just me and her for a potter around - on friday we are going to have a go at needle felting :) while the boys are at preschool

My ankles are really swollen tonight I dont normally suffer from swollen ankles - so I m going to be drinking even more in case it is my lymphatic system having a funny five mins - if I remember rightly that can mean water retention

I cannot express how wonderful it is to have you all so supportive so thanks very much
that summer dress WILL be mine on Monday :)
I have the leggins and the fitflops just need the dress :)