Am I all on my own this week? :cry:
I managed 8.5 miles this morning.
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 43 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 137.7
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 159.1
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 146.4
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 15 to go
PigCity: 100miles, DONE plus 253.4!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 128 to go
I'm hoping to get a 10 mile run in before the end of the year.

I'll then have gone from running zero miles to 10 miles and have dropped 5 dress sizes. It's been a good year!