i shall try

Brilliant Jim!! x
Ah that's so cute Jim. Not sure I want the pork chop now that I got out of the freezer for tomorrow's dinner. :(

Thanks Ditzee. Might give some of those a go.
{{{{{ Love hugs}}}}}

Now get your pot out, jim, Jim while we go catch those piggy`s...


Woofy X

( Would I? )
lol !!! youre all BONKERS , love it !!!!
oink !!!!
oink !!!!!!!!! xxxxxx
thanks for all your replies, i feel very supported, not sure what the oink is about , oink oink oink!
cheers oink oink
It's 'cos they are all little piggies faithful

LOL, morning sweetheart. Your on early.
Morning, Jim. Jim. My youngest has dentist this morning so Ive time to pop on as no mad school run rush today....
Im soooooooo tired today!!! Could sleep for England, pet!

You ok, love chops?

Woofy X
I'm fine woofy, usual work stuff this morning.
Morning all, I'm shattered too. Bloody Sky putting on 24 back to back. Drank 1/2 bottle of Jack D too :) well Tesco equivalent). Making the most of it until I start low carbing on Friday :)
Ouch! bad head time Craig?
Nah Jim. It doesn't affect me too badly at the moment, I know that will all change at the weekend though. As I recall, low carbing and alcohol spells trouble! Really excited about starting now, just hope I'm almost as enthusiastic 6 weeks in.
morning all xxx have a fantastic tuesday :0) love waking up to a blue sky day and feeling all exited , what surprising things might happen today ?????
wishing you all lots of lubalub and tuesday magic xxx
Sukie, Did hubby come home last night, pet? U seem very excited and happy this morning, flower.


Woofy X
OMG, Not used to this much forum activity at this time of the day! They have all caught your morning person bug Jim!

Morning all. Have a good day.