Step 1 Sole Source I started today any advice?


Hi my name is Tori i started Sole Source today
How do you keep yourself motivated through the first week?
when does it get easier?
how much exercise did you do?
Hello, think about how you will feel when the weight comes off, and take one day at a time.
as soon as the pounds start to drop you will feel motivated :)
Hi and thank you
i keep thinking to myself just one bite wont hurt but then reminding myself
Do i want the food or too look good at christmas
Do i want the soft drink or to fit into a small size jeans
That's the spirit Tori! The first four days are generally the hardest as your body goes into ketosis (which is when your body starts using up stored fat) BUT from day 4, when you're in ketosis, you probably won't feel hungry any more but the mental battle will begin ..... Your mind starts wailing that it just wants to taste something NOW. Prepare yourself and plan ahead, drink lots of water (I think people are starting off with 2 litres a day), be prepared to pee a lot unless you're used to drinking a lot* of water but don't worry, this tapers off as your body gets used to the new regime.

Try to space out and time your shakes so one is due when you start to get hungry (listening to my body, I'd say every 4 hours is my personal limit, some can do 5 hours and some can go even longer).

And the biggest thing I wish I could time travel and tell myself (so I'll tell you instead) is: no matter what do not cheat! A controlled re-feed for Christmas day or something is one thing, but do not under any other circumstances give yourself permission to eat until you get to goal and DO maintenance. Trying and failing to get back to that VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) virgin state, where you're excited by your losses and unsure what to expect but determined to get there anyway, is so difficult it's quite literally a nightmare.

This diet is unbelievable - the first week will be your biggest loss (pounds + initial water weight), but on average you will lose 14 pounds a month. I don't do Any exercise for the first month because you're really not taking in enough calories to sustain a workout and your body is just learning (after years, in my case, of overeating) that there's a "new sherrif" in town.

The first week is the hardest, and conversely it's the week you'll be strongest i.e the closest to the weight you don't want to be so more determined to stay the course. Biggest tip: get as many early nights as you can get away with in week 1. Drink your water, write out all the reasons you're doing this - or better yet take a naked selfie and look at it whenever temptation calls ;) and if all else fails? Come on here and read diary threads and inspirational stories.

But above all, I want to say "Well done" on making the decision to do this one special loving thing for yourself..... 65kg here you come! x
Hi Beverley
Thank you so much :). I found that while i was at home doing nothing i got hungry quicker where as today i spent the day shopping with my family and at my grandparents house i didn't get as hungry as quickly so i have to find something to do during the day while im not working.
I also want to exercise while im on the soul source, i have been told not to run just to walk, swim and i am aloud to ride my bike because i have been active most of the year.

A friend of mine gave me the idea to stand in front of the mirror naked with the food that i want to eat and see if i still want to eat it after that, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Im also thinking of buying a dress or a swim suit that i want to fit into and look amazing in by a certain date and hang it up in my room so that it reminds me of what im working towards. I even started a blog because i found that while i was writing i wasn't thinking about food so i was able to last longer without my shake.

Im downing water like there is no end, it makes the hunger pangs go away and i also drink it through a straw instead of a cup or bottle for some reason it makes me feel less hungry.

Have you been on the diet long?

Hey Tori

I've started today for the 1st time too! Im not that hungry at the moment but see a few early nights this week! Im sure tge first weigh in will make it all worth it!

Good luck x
:D Im so glad there is someone starting for the first time at the same time as me <3 i cant wait for my first weigh in im so excited. you will have to let me know how you go. Have you started a CD diary in The Diary thread yet? id love to follow your progress.