Stabilization I think that is it for me :-)

Hope you are having a fab holiday! :)
Thank you Redheart. Lovely holiday, nice people, now doing laundry! I was just looking at your stats and seeing how wonderful you have done. Just .3 of a BMI and you have gone from obese to normal! and a loss each and every week. How are you feeling now?

Believe it or not I have STS from holiday! The food was really good there but I think the difference was you had to go and find it. Breakfast was ok at the hotel, continental so all carbs, then just finding what you want to eat whilst out.
Hi Brownie. I just ate normally to be honest. I ate 3 meals a day but I am not a huge dessert fan so only had a dessert once (I tried a bite of hubby's or little one at other times). I tend to eat until I am full, taking my time over it, and then stop. I dislike the feeling of being really full (as in Christmas dinner full!) and have for a few years so I guess I am lucky in that. Also, I had had a migraine just a few days before we went and still had a headache for the first couple of days so I didn't want to drink any wine and risk a migraine returning. So I think all in all that contributed to my weight staying the same.

When I started conso I found it hard to eat the extras and all the protein and that is where I had the worst time of it. Once I sorted out my own version of conso where I ate more carefully with Dukan principles things just clicked into place for me.

I read what you said about PCOS and a low carb diet and I think you are right. IBS is such a generic term but I struggle with wheat and wholewheat nearly kills me! so I guess I have some kind of IBS.
You are "lucky", Poppy. I'm sorry about the migraine etc though but I can't say that being "over full" has ever been an issue for me and it's the fear of feeling "under full" I think which rules my after Dukan life!

Our veg plot post has disappeared too far back for me to find it, so I thought I'd post here. We still have some carrots, celeriac and beetroot in the neighbour's field, but have also brought up half the carrots for storage in sand.

OH made some tomato relish; hot (red) tomato chutney; a beetroot chutney which is delicious! And we'll do more green chutney if we have enough green tomatoes at the end of the season (which is probably imminent).

Runner beans and French beans we preserved in jars, but those we froze we didn't like! I guess I just don't like (home) frozen veg!

Now a neighour has gone leaving us access to her tomatoes - mainly cherries. We spent AGES skinning ours when we made chutney with them, and although we follow the instructions (into bowl covered with boiling water for an hour, then "slip them out of their skins" says Delia), find them very difficult to skin. Any extra tips? The thought of doing another load is offputting to say the least!

I did have a look for it but gave up. When I skin tomatoes I bring a pan of water to the boil and then add batches of the tomatoes to it for about 1 min. You see the skins explode on the cherry tomatoes really quickly so keep an eye. Use a slotted spoon and put them straight into cold water, iced if you have it. The skins should just slip right off then. You can also prick the skins, just once and this helps them to come off. If they are not coming off easily, just put them back in the boiling water for another min. Never tried it Delia style, seems too long to me. Unless they are green tomatoes?

I lost all my tomatoes to a killer blight. Even my blight resistent ones that usually take a good month of keel over when the blight hit were gone in about 6 days, never seen anything like it. :sigh:

You may well not like the frozen veg, like anything its a personal choice. I prefer all my veg fresh but the British winter will not allow that. I suffer the frozen veg instead - lol. Never tried bottled ones, may give it a go next year. I am going to get myself a proper canning pot for next year so may feel more comfortable doing it. Green tomato chutney is devine though and luckily have enough left over from last year to get us through this one.

We are in the process of looking for land. We placed some ads around the area we are looking at and are about to place some in the papers and write directly to some farmers around here. I just need to start growing properly and get my business up and running. 8-10 acres is all I need:D

I think I have finally come to terms with food and it no longer rules my life. By doing that it seems to have lost its major appeal and I can say no to it when it is not necessary. Not to say I don't enjoy food, I do, but I don't feel so drawn that it takes over my thoughts during the day. Looking forward to my tuna salad shortly and chicken risotto for my dinner but not thinking I must have other things too. :)
Lovely to read you. I'll certainly have a go at your method for skinning cherry tomatoes, cos our way burnt my hands and was very very very tedious!
you diary was one of the first i read poppy when i first started and i loved reading all about your allotment :D I may ask for some tips on what and when to grow things ...easy for the begginer LOL our new place has 22 acres and im hoping to clear an area for a veg patch and plant some fruit trees etc . we have aquired a polytunnel that is quite large but needs a bit of repair work but i cant wait till next year to get started :eek:
Ok Ellie, just turned the bright green colour that my face was!!!:jelous: 22 acres, bliss. So you are in Scotland, may make a few things tricky but you should be able to grow a whole variety, especially with a polytunnel. Do you have a house on it or will need to visit?

I could talk veggies all day long, just wish I could get my nursery business going - need the land (and a polytunnel/greenhouse).
Yes we have a house on it, it's the farmhouse we are doing up. It's up past Aberdeen so can be fairly cold / snowy . Once we are in and got the horses settled etc we can start clearing some of the waste ground to put my kennels in and an area for chickens. That will be dog proof as one of my dogs was a bit partial to my last lot of chickens grrrr
Sorry I missed this post. So you have a farmhouse and 22 acres! The Aberdeen bit tones it down for me a bit though. Apparently you can grow lovely apples in Scotland and most other things but a bit later on. How long before you move into your farmhouse? Have you got much more to do before it is liveable?

We have just been told there is a house with 8 acres coming on the market. Should be excited but been disappointed before so not even interested!! Will send hubby. I just want to get settled and get my business going and grow and grow and grow. I want to plant my orchard, set up my allotment on the new field and feel the sun on my back.

Are you having any other livestock?
We should be moved in properly in 2-3 weeks sofas coming next week and dining table & rest of living room furniture the week after. Joiner in just now doing kitchen but will have a wait ti get the granite surfaces templated and fitted as it gets done down south .
I know how you feel with the disappointment and not wanting to get your hopes up I've lost count of the number of houses we've had offers in on and either had rejected or missed the highest offer by either a thousand or several thousand . We have been doing that for the last 3 years and had 2 fallen through when the sellers pulled out after it cost us thousands in surveys legal fees etc. One seller stuck a clawback on the land after our offer was accepted and said if we improved the land with stables arena etc or built a house on it we had to pay him 40% of what the land was then valued at and it was for a period of 20 years . He then wouldn't guarantee that there was nothing illegal dumped on the land and told us to buy it as it was or he would sell to the next bidder, our lawyer advised us to walk away. So we had a lot of disappointments then we spotted this place it had been on the markets 6 months but on the wrong section of estate agents so looked like it had no land we negotiated directly with the owners to save money then agreed a price lower than the value as they just wanted it sold and here we are 11 weeks later and still improving it lol

As for livestock I'm thinking about getting a couple of lambs but don't know if I'll have the bottle to see through the next step :(
Sounds wonderful. Agree the lambs would probably be difficult, I know I wouldn't be able to do it. I have had so much trouble, we were gazumped 2 weeks before our moving in date and it turns out there were negotiations going on, despite it being against the rules, for 3 weeks before that and we were never told. Believe it or not, the Ombudsman or Trading Standards say they cannot do anything, despite it being wrong. Good to know we are protected then! (I know gazumping isn't illegal although should be, it is the other stuff we have found out). That was the second place we had been mucked around on and the worst, been two other interests which we have been outbid on and then something that hadn't come on the market but was seriously overpriced. Just fed up now.

Just 2 or 3 weeks until you move in, how wonderful. To see all your hard work pay off. If you need any advice on planting, do let me know.
I am off for a 4 day break tomorrow at Centre Parc's. We are going with another family so we are taking turns with the cooking etc. I think it is going to be very difficult not to gain any weight but it will be a test for me. I have done so much baking and cooking today I can feel the thighs expanding already. Should be fun though.

Jo, did you try my method of skinning tomatoes?
Enjoy yourself :)
I missed this thread (being busier at work and knowing Poppy doesn't need diet help!!).

How VERY exciting Ellie. What do you mean about "the next step"? I'd have no problems whatsoever, naming them, training them, keeping them in luxury until their last days ;) (anything else, forget it!). I do envy you... except for your location perhaps! Sorry but a bit cold for me up there!

Poppy - you nearly started WWII with your suggestion, and my OH hates me suggesting he does anything differently (typical man!) so I left him to it. He singlehandedly skinned ALL the cherry tomatoes himself, using the hand burning method, and he didn't complain once;) You've got to laugh! I even made some ice for the ice stage but no... Mister knows best (so fine - he can do it alone!!).

Gazumping isn't allowed here.
when they get chubby maintainer its time to go on a little trip :wave_cry: my hubby has eaten most named pets :eat: :(
Lol at your other half Jo, serves him right really. The method I use even my little girl can do with me, lol.

I had a lovely break at Centerparcs. So much fun concentrated into 4 days. Have gained 3lbs but not really surprising considering the amount of food I ate and the transit issues that come with sharing facilities :p I am sure it will come off once back to normal. If not a couple of PV days and stop eating cake. Good to have it as part of the weight control tool box.

I too would have lambs living to old age mutton, the only thing I can kill is mosquitoes. A get them before they get me type deal there:8855:
Just a quick update. I managed to loose the 3lbs with just being a bit more careful but not reverting back to Dukan. Took a bit longer and my cycles are a bit messed up at the moment which is not helping! But sticking at between 1 to 2lbs under my goal weight.

Since stopping Dukan I have noticed that the fat on my stomach has changed and is more pronounced even though I am the same weight. I guess I probably need more protein although I do now deliberately eat more protein. I read somewhere that yoghurt was good for stomach fat so will be upping my yoghurt intake, especially as I am getting a yoghurt maker for my birthday in a week :)
Hi Poppy - well done on the losses (if you wanted them).

Yes agree on the stomach issue: in fact my extra fat is *still* on the stomach, above the waistline. I think that's my baby pillow and it will never go away... I am over target still but when I was at my lowest (mid 63s) last year my chest started looking decidedly scrawny despite the still surplus padding below....