I did have a look for it but gave up. When I skin tomatoes I bring a pan of water to the boil and then add batches of the tomatoes to it for about 1 min. You see the skins explode on the cherry tomatoes really quickly so keep an eye. Use a slotted spoon and put them straight into cold water, iced if you have it. The skins should just slip right off then. You can also prick the skins, just once and this helps them to come off. If they are not coming off easily, just put them back in the boiling water for another min. Never tried it Delia style, seems too long to me. Unless they are green tomatoes?
I lost all my tomatoes to a killer blight. Even my blight resistent ones that usually take a good month of keel over when the blight hit were gone in about 6 days, never seen anything like it. :sigh:
You may well not like the frozen veg, like anything its a personal choice. I prefer all my veg fresh but the British winter will not allow that. I suffer the frozen veg instead - lol. Never tried bottled ones, may give it a go next year. I am going to get myself a proper canning pot for next year so may feel more comfortable doing it. Green tomato chutney is devine though and luckily have enough left over from last year to get us through this one.
We are in the process of looking for land. We placed some ads around the area we are looking at and are about to place some in the papers and write directly to some farmers around here. I just need to start growing properly and get my business up and running. 8-10 acres is all I need
I think I have finally come to terms with food and it no longer rules my life. By doing that it seems to have lost its major appeal and I can say no to it when it is not necessary. Not to say I don't enjoy food, I do, but I don't feel so drawn that it takes over my thoughts during the day. Looking forward to my tuna salad shortly and chicken risotto for my dinner but not thinking I must have other things too.