i want....

too true cheryl, im going first thing and im voting for lib dems.
Labour make the idol stay idol as they get too much benefits to consider working (tax payers money) and tories take off the poor and make the rich richer.
Time for a change, but im hoping for a hung parliment so they all have to work together to get us out of this hell hole we are in.

Only my opinions guys! I have 2 sisters who dont work (neither do their fellers) as they are "better off on the dole" and there was me working my arse off over 40 hours a week to pay for them having takeaways every day and a life of luxuary. Not fair. both me and hubby work full time doing good jobs, we own our own house, 2 cars and pay for our son to go to nursery, and what do we get for all our law abiding, hard working efforts.........£4.00 per week tax credits!!!!

Ive had my rant now, im sorry all!
And a good rant it was too Tammy, well said hun. I still dont know who im going for. Probably one of the small unheard of parties
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :)
Time for a change, but im hoping for a hung parliment so they all have to work together to get us out of this hell hole we are in.

Trouble is Tammy, hung parliaments have never worked well in this country really.
Bring back Maggie :D
ah, there will never be another maggie I'm afraid.
:cry:Sad but oh so true! That lady had b*lls most men would be proud of :8855:
ah yes indeed. I'd have thought you were to young to remember the winter of discontent though Caz.
I had parents and schooling that MADE me keep up with current affairs from a young age LOL x