I will be a runner again

So I tried doing W8D1 today - managed ten minutes then felt that I had to stop. Not too pleased with myself about this. Couple of possible reasons: out of practise, didn't warm up properly, tried running in sun while I'm used to shaded forest, muddy ground slowing me down - but I think all in all my willpower let me down. There's still some light outside, I could try going out now.
And W8D1 is now done :D It was difficult, but I managed to get into a rhythm and keep going. The shade in the woods definitely helped too - I can't yet run well in sunshine, but I'll keep building up my stamina. Am now feeling a lot better for having gone out!
About a minute in, I managed to twist my ankle - not good. It felt okay after a few minutes of resting and walking on it, I tried jogging gently and it felt fine after that. I tripped at one point - same ankle - but it felt okay so I managed to get to the end of the run. It twinges a bit when I put pressure on it, my housemate recommended bandaging it for support so I'll give that a try.
I think you can get ankle supports, try amazon they never fail to have what I want, not run yet this week it's so hot here in the south west, I know I'd never get past 5 mins so I'm thinking of a visit to the gym later and give the treadmill a try, keep up the good work
I bandaged it last night before bed and it felt a lot better, feeling absolutely fine today but I'll keep an eye on it when I next go running. With this sun I've been doing my running in shady woods to stay relatively cool, good luck with the treadmill MissSomerset!
Week off so reran w6 r2 just to get back into it and by God it was hard,just goes to show how quickly the body can change when it's not being looked after,( I had an eat everything insight week !!) kicked my arse now and back into it and healthy eating,news to shift at least 1 1/2 stone before oct
You're doing brilliantly, well done! I'm back at home after a few days' holiday and my ankle's feeling fine, so I'll start my first half-hour run today. We can do this!
...so I didn't go running that day. I tried W8D3 today after far too much time off - after 7 minutes I felt like I was about to collapse. Given that yesterday I collapsed in the kitchen while making a sandwich (not entirely sure what happened there, combination of exhaustion and stress?), I thought it best to not push things and head back home. While I'm feeling better, perhaps I should accept that after over a week without jogging, getting straight back into it will be hard and that I won't be as fit as I was then. I'll focus on building my strength up again and being healthy.
W8D3 finally done!
...ish. I jogged indoors today since I'm still a touch wary of collapsing, although thankfully yesterday and today I've been feeling fine. It also helped that I was playing a visual novel at the same time, so I could watch the story developing while jogging. Time like this I wonder if a treadmill would be handy, but a) Too expensive, b) No room for one, and c) While I could go to one at a gym, that would involve more commitment whereas it's far easier to exercise indoors/in the woods 5 minutes' walk away. Still, am feeling full of energy now, I'd almost forgotten the joggers' high - things are looking up!
Then I went away for a few days and didn't run. Today I tried again indoors - got to eleven minutes, then felt too exhausted to carry on. Lately I've been feeling a bit lightheaded, then again my food intake's gone out of control so I think I should get that sorted first before trying to force my body too much. Still, I will get there.
Hi Cuqsuita!

You've done really well so far, well done! Had a look at your thread becaure Im a runner too, always have been although this year not so much because I'v been busy eating and putting on weight which is how I ended up here, lol!

Just thought I'd give a few tips that I find helpful when running - dont put yourself under pressure! Dont say to yourself, right I must get out and run a mile - learn to enjoy running (as you know from the joggers high it really is enjoyable) just go out with the aim to jog. Walk a bit, run a bit, walk when you find youre starting to struggle then when you recover run again. You'll feel alot better this way than if you set out to run 2 miles but couldnt run the full two, you can build up distance gradually.

Do you use an ipod?? I find no greater motivator when running than having some great music pumping in my ears, I jog along doing AMAZING dance moves in my head to whatever Im listening to, you dont notice the time going by! I just couldnt run without music to distract me I'd just be concentrating on how tired/ bored I am, lol.

Also, I have a treadmill at home but I much prefe to go outside, the is a huge difference in running out in the fresh air its so much better for you but also you get a better work out running outside because the treadmill actually does some of the work for you - you would notice that you are tired much quicker when running outside than on the treadmill!

Hope these help and best of luck, love youre thread will be back for a visit, lol! x