I WILL beat you weight! New Diary :)

DAY 8 - I'm facing a big challenge of mine today! Off to the cinema with the fiance to watch the hole 3D. Now usually I love the cinema due to lussssh large salted popcorn I enjoy while eating the film. It's going to be hard for me but I will feel so good about not eating popcorn! Instead, I'm having a packet of wotsits, so we shall see how the challenge goes! All I've had so far today is 2 crumpets.

Didn't eat much yday because of being ill so hopefully that helps with the scales on Saturday!
DAY 9 - Skipped brekkie because hate eating at half 6 in the morning, plus preferred extra time in bed as shattered! Due to sat nav confusion and lack of parking in the city, I had to park half an hour away from work, good for my weight loss but bad as was late for work and not nice walk after 9 hour shift! Enjoyed healthy lunch (minus a small chocolate bar treat) and a healthy dinner. Had a sneaky peek on scales and was quite shocked by weight at the end of day when you been eating etc so excited about weigh in on sat and want it to hurry! Uni work is starting to get to me (im in my final year!!) but just hoping stress doesn't throw me off the wagon.
Tuesday 5th October - day 10 Yesterday was generally was good although did treat myself to a small cookie :/ lol don't feel bad though as you can treat yourself every now and then. Not long till weigh in, but don't expect much loss this week as had a whooping 5 pounds last week. Managed to control my urges at uni again as mates ate chips and chocolate etc. I'm still finding 8pm onwards very difficult, as I always used to eat doughnuts, cookies and all sorts!
Sounds like you are doing really well. You are quite right, the occasional treat will do no harm, it's the regular treats that muck things up. I think you are going to see 2lbs off this week!
Thanks Barb! I'd be over the moon with 2 pounds.

Sadly yday afternoon, I feel ill to this nasty bug of sore throat, blocked nose, earache, dizziness and feeling sick so not good at all! Probs won't be eating much today as can barely breath through all this bunged up rubbish.
Hey, Just read ur diary and well done for your 5Ib loss coz the first 3 days are a test of your will-power most people eiher give-up then but you didn't and that proves you can do it....that's probably why you didn't feel hungry on day 4....and congrates for not eating chocolate and chips with your friends at lunch...and hope you get well soon. :)
Thanks Hope123, yeah i deffo agree with first 3 days being the hardest! Aww thanks, I'm slowly on the mend at last :)

OMG, I had a sneaky weigh in this morning as official weigh in tomorrow and I actually nearly cried!! What I saw was so amazing and hope it sticks for the scales tomorrow!!!

Thursday 7th October - DAY 12 - As I was ill, I didn't eat much at all except for some naugty biscuits that my mummy got me to help me feel better. It didn't really because I literally ate nothing else at all. I think this lack of eating may help me with my weight loss this week too :p only good thing about feeling this rubbish!

How did the weigh-in go? Hope you are happy about it! Have agood day, hope you are feeling better too.
Thanks Barb, I am feeling better thanks, just not quite 100% yet :( I'm very happy with weight loss :D hope your okay x

OH that is just so BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!! Well done, you must be so chuffed. Fantastic. In the 15's, how good does that feel?
Thank you Barb, it feels amazing! and was aiming for half a pound a fortnight but managed 9.5 in a fortnight woop woop!!

Saturday 9th October - DAY 14 - Yesterday was okay. Im still getting over being ill so have lost my appitite for food at the moment which is great in some ways because I've been eating a lot less :) However, I am getting fed up of feeling so ill all the time now :( . Exercise is still a problem (and even more now I'm ill) so think once I'm better, I really need to pick up on the exercise front!
Aw, hope you feel better soon babes!
Drink lots of water and try and eat some fruit, that should help perk you up a bit :)
Thanks Pink, I hope it does! Hate missing uni :(
Monday 11th October - DAY 16 - Today has been okish. I am starting to feel better which is great news BUT along with that, my appetite has come back too ahh! I had a chicken roll for brekkie, a chicken roll then cheese roll for lunch, bag of quavers for snack then small bowl of chips n curry sauce for dinner. It's not terrible but could have been better! I feel too much on the roll to give up or fall off the wagon but the thought still scares me. I'm down 9.5 pounds in just 2 weeks and I was aiming for a stone a month meaning I'm way over target so far. It feels different this time to the other times I've tried losing weight. This site really does help, the amazing before n afters, the great people and just being able to keep a log of how much I've lost, how I feel and how the journey is going.
Glad you are feeling better, that will help. Can't help but notice there is not much in the way of fruit and veg in your diet, are you just not keen or do you not write it down as it's low cal anyway?

I think you can get very close to that 15 stone goal for Nov, keep going!
Oh Barb, I was hoping no one would pick up on that lol! I don't like fruit and veg at all and friends/family have tried all my life to make me eat them but it just isn't going to happen. It does make my diet hard because if hungry, it's very hard to find something with very low/no calories which I find hard. The vitamin/mineral side is okay because I take a multi vitamin tablet daily. I did stop for few years but since starting this diet, I made sure vitamins were in my diet so restarted them! Can anyone advice any low calorie snacks/ideas?
Hey, abit late but ur doing really well...4.5Ib lost, well done.
Ermm, I like having peanuts as a snack....when I am feeling hungry and I would have usually gone and had crisps before...If u are allergic to peanuts then I really don't have any advice. U will find something or maybe other tasty fruits like strawberry's or kiwi fruits ect... :)
Thank you Hope123, the weight is coming off better than I thought it would! :D:D I've never really tried peanuts tbh so might give them a go! Yeah true, I think I just need to find something that suits me :)

Tuesday 12th October - DAY 17 - Today is going okay... so far lol! I must admit I enjoyed a naughty milkshake for brekkie but wasn't hungry so thought that would count for brekkie calories lol. Finally at 2pm, I began to feel hungry so enjoyed 2 crumpets :D yummmmmy. It's nearly 6pm and I am slightly hungry but not really :/ can't believe I'm actually saying that after only eating 2 crumpets today! I hate eating after 8pm at the very very latest so will have dinner after 7pm but won't force myself to eat loads if not that hungry. I'm liking the idea of chicken in a white sauce with boiled potatoes yummmy :D I really want it to be Saturday already so that I can weigh in lol my favourite time of the week at the moment. Not expecting a bit loss after 9.5 pounds in 2 weeks but will be happy aslong as it's a loss.
Well if you don't like fruit and veg then you probably don;t want to waste calories on them! Trouble is they are a useful nibble. For me it's the peeling/slicing of them that gets on my wick, so I tend to go for small bananas, grapes or ready cut carrots. Carrots are lovely dipped in low cal houmous, have you tried that, you might be surprised, in a good way!

Either way, you are doing very well, so don't worry too much, it's juts nice to have all the variety you can, that's all.
Wednesday 13th October - DAY 18 -
Breakfast: 2 x crumpets (wasn't hungry but still on flu plus tablets n shouldnt be taken on empty stomach.
Lunch: Small bowl of cheesy pasta with 2 fish fingers and wotsits.
Dinner: Subway - plain chicken breast and cheese.

Today isn't too bad, but sneak peaks on scales isn't looking too promising and has put me on a bit of a downer. I can't expect good losses every week but it's so much more motivating and it's been 'bad' weeks i.e gained or sts that have caused me to fall off the wagon before because I thought 'what is the point?!'. I am worried about this happening again but the past 2 weeks have been so good that I shouldn't really beat myself up about it. Plus, it's only weds, I have tomorro to step it up, may even have a 'last chance workout' like on biggest loser lol!