Oh! I didn't see that post at all!
I'll tell you why it said you were a pound heavier! You've had a bar & drank water! It's just water weight. Wait until your weigh in day and weigh yourself after you've woken up and had a pee. Our weight flucuates all through out the day!
What scales did you get? I got some ww scales for Christmas from my mom.
Thanks! I drink a ridiculous amount of water so it's not that! I've been having some serious headaches for the past couple weeks, I should probably go to the doctor, but nope, not gonna lol. I've only been to the doctor once since I moved to brummie land and he called me fat. So I haven't gone back since!
We're gonna stop in tesco on the way to get some pain killers for me and my mom always has a nice stock available hehe. x