Hi, I hope you don't mind me nosing through your diary more carefully to see what might be the possible cause of no weight loss. I noticed that earlier on you had a varied menu like curries, spag bol,pasta bake but recently you seem to be eating very similar food every day - smash chicken appears a lot. I am just wondering if your body is getting used to the food you are having and is not making an effort to work hard to burn the energy. You need to give it a shock and push it to work hard and the only way you can do that is by trying different food so it has to work at different rate. My suggestion is to do a menu planner for the whole week with each meal appearing once or twice. For exampe for breakfast you can have Mon - toast & egg, apple, Tue - Fruit salad, Wed- Cereal , youghrt & berries, Thrs - Baked beans on toast, satsumes, Fri - Omlette with mushroom & tomato, sat - Porridge & fruit, Sun- SW fry up. Similarly different thing for lunch and dinner. I know it is time consuming but worth a try. If you don't have time to eat breakfast at home, take it to work with you. It is nice to be abe to eat 3 meals a day but know it is difficult for you as you have to spend a lot of time in your car. But please try to have a different breakfast and dinner. I guranttee that you strat losing again.
Once again I hope you do not mind me analysing your food diary, I just want to help and make you a happier person.
Have a lovely Sunday. I am going to be out most of the day but will catch up with you in the evening.