End Phase 1
Why is it that when you go away the last couple of days before you leave are full of things that absolutely must get done??? I'm leaving this afternoon for my vacation and have a list as long as my arm to get through before I head out! Yikes! But am very excited - spoke with my dad yesterday who told me it's 90-95 degrees where he is (it's about 65-70 here in Amsterdam). What a shock that's going to be! :character00238:
Because of the trip, I got weighed today instead of Monday and have lost 1.5lbs, leaving me 7lbs short of my Phase 1 goal. While I'm a little disappointed, I'm actually also quite pleased. I knew I'd be short of the goal, but hoped to be short by 4lbs or less... On the other hand, the last time I was this weight was sometime late 1989/early 1990, so really, how can I be anything but pleased?
Yesterday I started combing my wardrobe for what to take to the US, recognizing that a lot of it would just stay there and be replaced. The last time I went through my wardrobe was early June and I had set aside a "US" pile then - most of which now are in the "donate" pile. I put on the capris which promptly fell off! It was amazing!!!

I don't feel sooo much thinner that my clothes can actually fall right off my body! Too funny!
Being the analytical person that I am, I have also prepared my spreadsheets for Phase 2 which will officially kick off on Sept 3 (giving me a couple of weeks to repair any damage done in the US). Currently I'm thinking Ph2 target will be to lose 22-25lbs in 2-3 months, giving me time to do the steps and come off CD by Christmas. Will probably start a new thread for Ph2 - mostly because it's a completely new goal. I had always thought that weighing 150-160lbs was achievable, but the idea of being in the 130s ... that was clearly unattainable! But now... so I want to start a thread focused on breaking the "unattainable" barrier!
Ladies, you have been my cheerleaders, my support team, my constant companions on this journey so far! Thank you so very, very much!:bighug: I'm sure I would never have made it without you. And the journey's not yet over!
While on vacation, I may log on and lurk from time to time, but I will be a lot less present. I will, however, try to post about getting fitted for undergarments and finding out my current size and about the shopping (it's really odd, I hate shopping for clothes, but I'm looking forward to it!). Have a great summer - I look forward to all your success stories!