69.7K this morning so (almost?) ready to let go of the ketosis crutch again. Visitors arrive in the country tomorrow. Little visitors. The sort who want baker's produce each morning, home made d'nuts and c*kes, and food round the clock. I shall do my best because, as we all know, it's easy to refuse... until you say "yes" just the once.
Little person's birthday on the Monday (I'm off work) will be a tough one... still, I do like Mouse's goji victoria sandwich cake, and I've some Philly Xlite to make a filling, so I shall (try to) stick to my own cake and fodder! Even if it means carrying food with me everywhere - as, last time they came, being late risers meant that lunch never really happened for them but lots of snacks ensued until dinner. Not good for me so I'll possibly go into "weird mode" and eat on my own!
<My name is Jo. I'm a compulsive eater and I now eat strange things round the clock!>