Hello - crazy again at work and colleague on hols from Fri so I'll have her people again next week booooo! (then I'm off week of 31st

). 1st is a holiday here, so 31st an imposed RTT (long story - because we work more than 35 hrs at our place, we have four imposed days off by firm and four extra holiday days!).
Anyway Friday evening, lolling lazily in front of the fire while my cat sought her toys under the sofa, I asked OH to lift it so that I could retrieve her toy. I stuck my hand under, pulled out the mouse... and it was a real one! UGH! Dead ok but my hand hasn't felt clean since! UGH UGH!
Sunday morning, invited for pre-lunch drinks by an elderly neighbour, I went into the still unrenovated bedroom where I keep my stash of naughties. The first thing I sawin the (plastic fold up) crate was an empty box of creme eggs. (Ahem ok I do sometimes help myself to one while in there, but thought I had the upbringing to throw away the box, obviously not)! Tutting at myself I removed it, then noticed a packet of biscuits that had been opened and half eaten. Oy! That's not me! (I'd never have left it half eaten!). You guessed it. VISITORS! of the small and furry kind.
I shrieked for OH to join me upstairs and I moved the crate to the floor and we investigated further - checking seals on packages before deeming them ok. We found empty wrappers from cereal bars, LOADS of little pieces of the foil wrappings from my oh so precious creme egg stash (sob...). As I neared the bottom of the crate, AAAAH a mouse! ALIVE AND RUNNING SCARED! Over my hand, up my arm over the top of the crate and away it ran. Did you all hear me scream???
Suffice to say that I spent the remainder of the day consoling myself. In the way I do so well. Obviously no creme eggs featured though - the blooming cheek of it!
Why hadn't my cats done their job? Because as the temperatures fell, I stupidly kept the door to that room closed as it's a very cold room. GRRRR. And now that I fear that they'll bring them downstairs and hide them, I'm not very reassured!
My "country girl" cover has been blown. I'm still a city girl through and through, aaaah!
So the 6s didn't last long eh?