IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

OH makes the Christmas cake, cos I'm not keen ;) and no one likes marzipan in my family so it never gets iced! haaaa!
I've never managed to find the perfect pair of jeans - hence why I've not worn them for 11 years! I am a typical pear shape so, in order for them to fit on my ample hips and thighs, they are always massive on the waist. That said, I do have a new pair of size 12 jeans waiting to be worn when I get to target. I can get them on now but probably would turn blue after an hour if I sat down in them! :D

Maintainer - stay away from M&S!!! Does it open before Christmas?
Hello hello
Feels like Ive been gone forever.
Hows everyone doing?

Back from holiday (oh my best not talk of the food, though did have a lot of lovely dukan friendly shellfish). Had a fabulous time, mixed weather, cool at the start then some lovely sunny days, most welcome as I wont see much daylight the rest of the year.

Going to try and keep things vaguely calorie controlled in the run up to chrimbo as things are looking pretty social and Ive battered my body enough this year with off and on ness.
Lovely to see you Jaqys. Did you go to Vegas? How I hear you re "battering your body with off and on ness". That's par for the course for me, and it's particularly difficult at this time of the year not to go there, I find.

M&S (unfortunately) reopens here on Thursday... I'm going with a friend (who has strict instructions not to let me buy anything!). I'm officially sourcing Dukan friendly food, but I'm also curious as to how they're going to fit clothes and food in what looks like quite a small shop from the outside!

Met a friend for a quick drink after work last night - she always buys some of OH's sausages for her Christmas dinner here! She suggested a creperie for dinner, but I managed to resist (phew! OH would have killed me had I ceded as he had a couple of trout waiting here for his dinner. Salmon, celeriac mash and white cabbage for me (and I accepted 1/2 a kaki fruit later on).
Good morning diary and, despite 1lb up this week, I'm ok with it. After yet another bad weekend, I settled down as usual once back at work, but yesterday being Thanksgiving day (and I work at a U.S. company), we had a lunch catered at the office and I partook. While sitting enjoying the food and the company (I stayed off the booze mind), it struck me how many years I hadn't attended the event before of one diet or other, so at least now I am enjoying things more. I didn't lose the plot on the way home and will be fine today...

On another note, we treated ourselves to a Nespresso machine :)

Marks & Spencer reopened in Paris yesterday. The Champs Elysées was quickly blocked by hordes of would be M&S shoppers, and OH reckons there were 2,000 outside when he tried to get in! They were finally cordoned into pens, and the shop doors closed. One person was let in each time someone came out! OH gave up!

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It's great that you enjoyed a meal for what it was, a one time, then carried on as normal afterwards. It's a hard thing to do, and a good mental leap to make. Your Christmas plan is a good one, I've done the same. It really is mostly me who ends up eating cake, mince pies etc so I'm just not going to make them.
Thank you smaller me.
I have still not managed to get in the darned shop - far too many unemployed/tourists/who knows where they've all come from - there's a queue outside throughout the day! Ironically, a friend had a friend coming over from England for the weekend who offered to bring M&S over for us poor deprived Brits who can't get in the shop!

With my bad behaviour each weekend though, it's probably a good thing I can't get in there for stocks, as I don't think my basket would be diet friendly!
Morning Jo :)

Hope you had a good weekend x

Good to read you again, so there's now a Dukan shop in Paris? or is it just a shop that sells Dukan?

Is it branded? :) so many questions so little time...hehe

anyways off to my own diary for an update

have a good day hun x
The tales of M&S sounds insane, though ours are overflowing at the moment too, I have no idea where people come from and where they hide the rest of the year. The one near work was a bloodbath of people trying to get the meal for 2 deal on friday, usually theres less than half a dozen of us in there.

Yes went to vegas again.

Was the catered lunch turkey and stuff?

We went to shop bought for much of xmas a few years ago, saves on stress and excess leftovers.
I'll be baking cookies for gifts though, seems like they'll cost so much more than buying barely seems worth it, but have already bought the tins so have to fill them :rolleyes:
Lovely to read you both!
Sarah - noooo, just a M&S store! (I don't think I'd have been as excited at the thought of a Dukan store opening, or as disappointed not to have been able to get in yet!).

This is an interesting read. It looks as if I'd be disappointed if I did get in!

Jaqys - Home made cookies will make lovely gifts. I remember an American friend making me cookies and peanut butter chocolate covered drops one year - I've never forgotten the taste!

If anyone has a Nespresso machine, could they let me know if there's anywhere to buy the capsules in England (other than online)? They've very expensive and, although supermarkets here sell capsules which fit their machines, the taste isn't nearly as good!)

Yet another weekend as only I can do... getting my jaw wired is becoming more and more appealing. (Anyone know how that is organised?)

All I can say is that, despite my best intentions, I'm sure I'll be back (again) with a vengeance in January... before that, I'll not break my own rule - "no newbies starters on Dukan in December"!

Fortunately my brain seems to click back into normality each Monday morning, and my legs wiggle and take me to work quickly... it's just at the weekend I seem to turn into a vaccuum cleaner.
morning Jo :)

Just looking into the nespresso thing for you - so far it seems possible that John Lewis/Selfridges might stock them...tricky things though :S...imagine not selling in the supermarket? :( seems a bit of a faff! xx
oooh thank you Sarah! There are plenty of them over here, just that I thought the prices might be more reasonable in the UK. I was a cynic but, now that I've tasted the coffee, I'm a convert!

The forecast rain is thankfully absent for now, so I'll take my legs out to play in a mo... every bit of exercise helps!

My colleague is off for a couple of days so I've her people plus mine which is usually stressful enough to keep the time flying!
300g up today and I'm relieved its not more (as a smoked salmon + scrambled egg dinner on Wednesday night gave me an additional kilo yesterday morning!)

I honestly do not know why I'm making this run up to Christmas so miserable for myself. I look at my blobby body in the mirror each morning and cringe, yet somehow "know" I'm not going to be any better this weekend than previous ones.

In a weak attempt to limit the damage, I shall pledge herewith not to have anything "naughty" (cos I will have fruit so can't say "not Dukan") before Sunday afternoon... I won't promise myself better than that since each weekend for a while I've been saying "no treats" and falling at the first hurdle.

I'm not sure I've confessed to my diary that my Sunday morning walks, these past two weeks, have been done with "beep beep" (naughties!) in my pockets which I've munched as I stride. How pathetic is that?!

So here's to a cleaner than usual weekend.
PS - Mouse mwah!
Gosh - what does your work do involve? (Ours is Fri 16th pm inhouse so I'm not going!)
Hi Jo, hope you're doing ok. Am sure you will be ok with no naughties this week. I've got a question, if I start my refeed and do Cruise lite for that week and then on to Conso, even if I haven't reached my TW, will I still lose weight on conso?
To be absolutely honest with you, Miriam, I have never ever lost a gramme on Conso... more the contrary. Some do, however. After Lipotrim, with such a short reintroduction, I fear Christmas is a little too soon for you unless you manage what I've never managed - to be reasonable at Christmas.

Sorry to be so brutally honest, but you know that's my way, and it's why I always stop encouraging new people at this time of year. Some have come back at me with "well if I didn't do something now I'd be bigger still by Christmas, etc etc" but that fails to take into account how tough this diet is on the body and wild yoyoing of weight will ensue when people come off, then go back on, as we've seen. Worst still, the diet never quiet works as well as the first couple of times, so it's such a shame for the new people to "waste" a first time... their choice though. But I'll not waste my finger tips typing to them!

Reintroducing carbs slowly after a period without food even is going to be tough but hey maybe I'm totally wrong. And I've never done a food replacement diet, so I'm talking out of my errrr ;)