IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Many thanks Trudy... I do envy you Robin because I alas do like them (and, at work, they bought a huge selection with many different flavoured fillings I would have liked to taste!)

A second weekend on Dukan successfully negotiated... the only criticism I have of myself is that already I can see I'm starting to overeat on Dukan. My compulsive eating disorder carries over to when I'm on Dukan alas and I have a tendency to eat, eat, eat... all very well in Cruise when such behaviour helps the weight loss at times, not so good for "real life" preparation. Ah well, as ever, for now I'll favour the weight loss side of things and worry about my behaviour another day ;)

I might have mentioned that OH made baked egg custards for our weekend treats. I have gained 100g this weekend. Nothing in the grand scheme of things, but again I see dairy in the picture when this happens. I'll have a week with my usual limited dairy (rarely more than 200ml per day and see).

I also admit to taking liberties with the PP/PV alternates and did get a little veg heavy this weekend... :)

BUT on the positive side I did get out in the paths through the fields and stomp fast for 50 mins on Saturday, and just over an hour on Sunday (below zero temperatures, plus or should I say minus wind chill). See photo below - I am not vain in the country... the cows and horses don't seem to mind me.


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From that photo that is a very dressed up for the country look - you should see me and my girls after a day with the horses and your right they don't care what you look like!!! Your week sounds well organised so hopefully a success. There must be a way forward that will work for you after cruise otherwise there is no hope for us 'over eaters'!! I am hoping that if I get to the next stage that I will still bulk up on protein when I am feeling 'the urge'! We will see! x
Ha, Jo that is me too - except I use the magic scarf to cover my head too so I look even better;)! Off for the 'below freezing' trek round our countryside with a friend this afternoon - it's going to be a lovely day (albeit cold).

More galette des rois this weekend (worse than Christmas for lingering on, I find - they were in the shops beginning December) although I suceeeding in refusing - daughter ate 'my' share - she is such a glutton for them to the point of being embarrassing:eek:.
Well done on sticking through the weekend and getting lots of walking in.

Not sure what to say on portion control, its kind of needed up front whilst getting into the swing, but need to keep an eye on it, are you using myfitnesspal again?

Lost my fave scarf this weekend :cry: but was given a new one just a few days before :D with matching bobble hat and fingerless gloves.

Am almost back, will be more Atkinsesq general low carb until weekend after payday when I can properly stock up, cook up and be proper organised. But for now cheap meats/fish and veg.
Jaq - good idea re MFP (and I had forgotten about its existence!!). I did find it made me even more manic though with its necessitating my weighing and measuring everything... and I became lazy realising it was easier to repeat my meals ad nauseum rather than have to go looking for everything again! Plus of course I have less internet time now than before so I can't see it happening.

I'm eating dinner off a tea plate, so that's a smaller portion at least :)
Tea plate idea is a good one - I also read at the weekend that red plates help...don't think I'll go out specially and buy one though :) x
you look nice and cosy jo :D .... i agree with trudy... should see what i look like every day LOL we are in minus temps here today.... i got dressed in bed haha ... thermal ski base layers on.... then ripped jeans with belt to keep them up... thin socks to keep thermals from riding up leg... then fluffy xmas socks to keep jeans from doing same inside long boots. on top is base layers, thin long sleeved top, hoody, Gillet, then jacket, thermal fleece hat & gloves and thats just inside the house lol
Smaller plates are a good idea for everyone - I use them for the kids all the time now. Dairy is my downfall too and I'm limiting myself as well; good luck.
Glad to hear all going well and no hiccups over the weekend. Smaller plates are definitely a good idea. I used to use the biggest plates possible when on SW and pile them HIGH. I now try and use smaller ones and not have such a mountain of food on them ;)
73.9K again today so things have definitely slowed to a halt :( To be expected no doubt, after such a whizz of a start. Today I have lunch in a restaurant but I am having exactly the same as last Tues (and next Tues lol) so have sussed out the menu!

To wear hat for walk to work or not, such is the question... (or should that question read "to have fluffy yet flat hair all day at work")
ear muffs are back in fashion :D
Ooh hope you had a nice lunch Jo.
I walk from my car to the station in the mornings complete with silly hat. gloves, the lot...but haven't resorted to the ear warmers just yet :) even though I do have some!
Yesterday I went for the "scarf wrapped round face" look - it certainly keeps unwanted attention at bay! haaaa! Ear muffs I can do - white fluffy ones I do have ;) BUT then my ipod earphones are soooo uncomfortable! aaaah the trials and tribulations of a walker in this weather.

Worse still - the weather is due to change (booo hisss) and it's getting warmer and wetter today... pffft!

100g lost yesterday (and that's it since last Fri!)... I've had to resort to one Dulcolax and a little prayer this morning, and will be waiting and hoping today :)

Warmer and wetter it is here. Which I prefer when waiting for the bus.

Needing loo in the night, dry mouth, ketosis is here, quicker than usual.

Do you think the cold has contributed to you not losing, caveman style?
Reading all the above posts are really interesting. Having tried a lot of different diets and approaches to losing weight, along the way I have read 2 interesting books
Beyond Chocolate by 2 sisters, Sophie and Audrey Boss. This is about stopping "dieting", allowing yourself to eat what you want but only when you are hungry, you REALLY want it (i.e. you are eating it because you want to, not because it's termed "good" - fat free, an apple, etc), you put it on a plate, tune in to eating it (rather than eating on the run), and stop when you are satisfied.
When You Eat at the Refrigerator, Pull Up A Chair: 50 Ways to Feel Thin, Gorgeous and Happy (when You Feel Anything But) by Geneen Roth
Both books provide inspirational bits, but ultimately didn't quite work out for me at the time I read then - hence why I am now Dukan-ing! Maybe I will revisit them now I am feeling happier about myself, my body and my appetite.
Maintainer - you may find these books provoke some further thoughts, and I wish you luck on your journey and will continue to read your diary updates with interest.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Rachel. Unfortunately "hunger" has never figured much in my life, and that's why Dukan is such a saviour to compulsive eaters. But, eventually, the real world and Conso beckons and recognising hunger is something we do of course need to deal with again. Thanks again.

Jacq - you know what? I never considered the cold as being a factor in my stopped weight loss. Is that possible? I think actually in the book somewhere he talks about cold being good for us? (brrrr!)... I don't know. I fear it's more that this diet is no longer a shock to my system and because I'm around my "true weight" (not my personal target weight mind), this is where I'll struggle now. Each time the "struggle weight" increases, mind, so us constant "récidivistes" as they say in French (I'm looking for the English word, but people who constantly trip up and start again) aren't going to have an easy ride after numerous restarts alas.

Anyway the main thing is that I'm two weeks two days clean of all junk food and it's been easy peasy! haaaa!

He does have that cold showers burn more calories thing.

Hopefully things move downwards at a steady pace, you know its normal to go through a slow period after a bigish drop.
Hello diary and all...

I'm officially gob smacked having come across a thread on the other side with someone starting out the diet with a 19.8 BMI... and others thereon with normal BMIs. I'm not their mothers, so am keeping quiet, but this diet originated for heavy people and the original French official website didn't accept anyone with normal BMI. Grrr

Anyway I did manage to scrape a 0.5K weight loss, probably thanks to Dulcolax so it'll go straight back on. I must send OH to the local fab freezer shop which used to sell rooo'barb not far off the cost price for gold but needs must...

I'm delighted to see it's not raining, so I shall have walked to work five times this week, totalling 27km. The best bit is that it's been enjoyable and easy, whereas straight after the UK it was a bit of a strain (waddling along...).

Tomorrow will be visiting friends in the country with a secondary home which got flooded in December. Poor things. I can't imagine the aftermath of such an event... And the wilder of my two not yet tame (in 4 and 5 years respectively) cats has to go to the vet for vaccinations... poor thing will be upset :(

Have a good weekend