IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Thank you for all putting up with me.
I realise how different I feel this time. Too many false restarts aren't a good thing on any diet, but this time the mind set is there and it's a doddle even without ketosis (so far!).
This weekend, with MFP, I planned my favourite fruit snacks, counted them into my day, and still came out under my 1,500 cal weekend target (lower in the week). Exercise went to pot on Saturday, due to shopping, neighbour visits, veg to pick, but I certainly kept on the move. Sunday I had a lovely walk around the village while it was overcast and cool at 7am and slowly saw the sun come up. Memories to keep me going during the week!
I'm having another PP day today. I'm aghast at how many calories salmon has in it so am reluctantly reducing my portions. No more eat all you can Dukan!
Tomorrow I'm having a go at quorn mince. I bought some konjac noodles and will see what I can do to inject some flavour into those two bland ingredients! Any suggestions? Tin tomatoes, garlic, onion, and...?
Time to walk to work :) (I love how the walking gives me extra calories to then not eat and have the "has not used all her calories today" message at the end of the day.) Miss OCD has found another tool to play with!
For those of you who remember Vicky, we're speaking each day on MFP. Like me, she got married last year, and she's now keeping her weight stableish with MFP.
Well done on keeping to such a low calorie count. I sometimes make a konjac noodle stir fry using finely shredded spring onions, ginger, chilli & garlic with a drop of soya sauce to give a bit of taste. I add some chicken breast thinly sliced and maybe beansprouts & whatever veg is lurking in the salad drawer.
thanks for reminder me about ginger... lovely! I made a sort of Bolognese sauce with the quorn mince (tin tomatoes, onion, garlic, mixed herbs), added the konjac noodles, tasted and... bland as heck! So I added chilli powder and cumin and now there's some taste. I still feel it needs some more salt. It's all very well for these ingredients like quorn mince and konjac noodles being low carb / low calorie etc, but it's hard work making them taste of anything!

I'm not sure I mentioned but most of you know that I've been having muffins day in day out since I discovered them (for the most part even when I'm overeating). This weekend, for a change, I thought I'd have a bash at the good old Dukan galette which I've not made for years! A nice change indeed! It won't replace my muffins but made a nice smoked salmon and scrambled egg accompaniment.

My food plan today is looking abnormally low calorie with that quorn dinner to come... I'll add something in! What joy to be in that position! I'm not suffering from hunger (yet! but it's raining today so will be cooler, so I'm ever cautious!). No walk either so no calories earned!

MFP is my new best friend!
I'm with you defo not a fan of those smelly fishy noodles, Thos muffins are my love, and saying that Im off to cook more. Jo your doing fab xxx
You know what? My quorn mince Bolognese (once chilli and cumin ified...), with konjac noodles (well rinsed beforehand and roughly chopped with scissors) in the mix, served with a salad... was LUSH! And so low calorie too. Nothing in it that's not ok for Dukan either! My calories came out at 900 yesterday which isn't good though, but I didn't want more last night. I have three more portions in the freezer so will dig them out when lunching out at restaurant where calories are heavier.

Today, salad lunch out (I know the menu well... will allow myself coleslaw for a treat and have counted it on MFP). Tonight tomato and mozzarella. Haven't found Light Mozz yet. I'll keep looking!

After a cool rainy day yesterday, I'll be able to walk to work again today... summer dress + trainers! Lovely look! (I change footwear at work!)

Morning all,
All going well here. Weight not exactly dropping off but I'm sticking to my rules and not feeling hunger or deprivation thanks to the fruit additions at the weekend (I reckon). Thursday is a holiday here so my weekend will be longer than usual. All meals planned out though so pretty confident of adding a fourth clean weekend to my tally.
Managed to get my largest jeans on this weekend. No great achievement but it felt nice to be able to sit just anyhow again :)
Hang in there everyone. I had a PP day yesterday and survived!
I had to weigh in this morning, although it's been a very short week, but with tomorrow's Bank Holiday here, I'm off to the country tonight for a long weekend. The loss will be slow slow from now on, I understand that, and I mustn't get despondent as I'll not be seeing the fast loss I usually see on Dukan.

It's lovely to have cooler weather for my morning walk to work.

Have a good weekend all
Be good and enjoy you weekend, lol
Just read through the last few pages of your diary, trying to catch up a bit :) great to see you taking control. Hope you have a fab weekend xx
I'm still remarkably binge free... probably consuming far too much fruit at weekends, but calories coming in between 1,200 and 1,500 weekends so no real problems. Weight loss slowed to almost nothing (and a 200g gain this morning) so I'll have to start ignoring the scales midweek methinks. All well otherwise though. Walking loads. Feeling good. Just can't get any of my trousers on! Thankfully the weather is still great so my size 14 and 16 summer floaty skirts are getting a real work out! Not sure how I'll fare in them in the midwinter though! haaa!
I agree, don't weigh midweek. The scales can be misleading & very discouraging. Well done on not bingeing.
It's funny but, when overeating, I became adept at avoiding the scales yet now I'm as addicted as ever... and unfortunately the loss isn't as quick on "my diet"! I'm pleased to see 1.1K off since last official weigh in (10 days previously because of long holiday weekend here) BUT it's probably a fake loss as I had a poorly stomach yesterday so went to bed early with no dinner, no fruit, no nutting :-( All seems well for now (fingers crossed).

I have booked a half day so heading off to the country earlier than usual (and a good job too cos it's going to be a scorcher today, then it's gonna rain all darned weekend!). Ironically, because of my afternoon off, I'm heading into work really early to be sure I'm on top of my game when I leave!

I'll maybe have to integrate some boiled white rice into my weekend food plan if things aren't better for my poor old tum! I can't see it taking on as an evening TV snack though!

Enjoy your weekends... a long one for you all, I think x
HOpe your tummy feels better and the weather is better than you expected - love the motivated Jo!! Long may it continue and here's to wearing trousers again!!! LOL! x
Morning Jo xxx Have a good Sunday xxx
I wore cream trousers to work yesterday! (OK with a long top over, but it's the first time I've managed to get any on in yonks!). Weight not budging but (trying) not to take too much notice.
Routine blood tests good yesterday. My good cholesterol level has dropped though since stopping Dukan. Strange but true! No longer are my total cholesterol levels underlined because of the high HDL levels! Maybe a coincidence?
I'm definitely well into continuing feeling as I currently do... nothing is tempting me, yet I always gave credit for that to ketosis which I am definitely not in. Still over 12 stone but hey feeling good!

Weather mid-20s but quite a chill in the morning, so I start my walk to work at 7.15am with a light jacket on, and have to wriggle out of it (not a mean feat with a back pack on!) halfway there, and finish with it tied round my waist.

Feeling the evenings draw in too... it must be worse for you guys with the hour's difference.

Two weeks three working days until my week off. It's amazing to realise that I was preparing for my wedding this time last year!
