We've had horrible weather since Tuesday - rain and storms - and so my walks home from work have been washed out (meaning I've had to take public transport and be annoyed at other humanoids... chatting on mobiles... sitting next to me with LOUD music banging out of their ear speakers... smelling nasty... aaah the advantages of walking home are far more extensive than I'd realised!!).
Weight is staying stable fortunately, after Sunday's silliness, and today the scales are still 70.4K. That's fine. I'll take that as a going on holiday weight as I've a lunch out today so tomorrow won't be my lowest weight of the week, even though it'll be salad, chicken and salmon (and fabulous coleslaw!).
The weather in the South is better than here BUT also due a downturn (boooo). Ah well, as I just said on Jenny's thread, being off work will give me more time to myself and so more time to do more physical exercise.
Explaining to someone yesterday about my recent "wake up call" (health scare + turning 50 + getting a fitbit) made me realise something. The fitbit experience makes me look at weight loss the "other way round" to that which I've done for years. Instead of dieting and thinking of what I CAN'T eat, wearing my fitbit makes me more positive about things I CAN do... Perhaps the positivity of it is what's galvanising me into action at the moment. The food intake simply follows through once being more active as I'm less likely to spoil my efforts. Perhaps that's also why early morning activity is good for me too as it sets the pattern for the day.
Food for thought for us overthinkers.
So... tomorrow night at around 10pm we'll hit the road driving South. To arrive at around 8am I should think. Zzzz... a long walk is planned in the morning to keep me awake, and then we can siesta after lunch, have a swim and laze on Sat afternoon... Food will be out of my hands this weekend, but I shall have a fruit stash in my room (I hate being out of control of meal times etc!!), but from Monday I'll be back in charge when my friend leaves us to enjoy her home until Saturday.