Hello there,
The figures used on the French site are metric (isn't the UK metric yet, hee hee?!!!)
So they suggest between 1g and 1.5g per KILO you weigh as a minimum to protect your muscles. So at 90K you need to be eating between 90g and 145g grammes of protein. (NB: not grammes of meat. ie, a 6oz/150g chicken breast has 40g protein if you cook it Dukan style).
Does that make more sense?
It's not usually difficult to have one's minimum quota.
Here's a good link (NOT a Dukan link though) Protein Info - How Much Protein Do You Need
and a list of foods and their protein values (again NOT Dukan!)
Protein - High-Protein Foods and Amount of Protein in Each Food
I honestly wouldn't advise eating beyond your hunger though but, once you're more aware of which foods have higher protein values, it's perhaps good to eat more of those...
The trouble with some people's menus is that they're so hypocaloric that it'll be tough in consolidation when the calories suddenly whizz up. Some people ask why they must have this or that in consolidation, if they don't want it/don't like it/lived happily without it before, but that's really because often we're only at 800 calories in PP... and perhaps over a week, at 1,200 in Conso... which is still FAR from normality for most. And it gradually needs increasing, else the yoyoing you've seen me (and others) experience recently will happen.
This of course is true for any low carb / meal replacement diet.
What did your doctor say about the diet Mouse? Did he ok it for you?
At least Dukan way of eating is having a positive effect on your health generally and, hopefully, as you reduce further, you'll feel it more still...