If at first you don't succeed try, try, try and try again....

Hi Eleanor, catching up with all your posts.
Yesterday ended with lots of Pinot Grigio! So I woke up this morning feeling rather tired. Plus it was a struggle to sleep as some of my inconsiderate neighbours were outside very late shouting, laughing etc. I had to shut my bedroom window so I got a bit warm. If I was a more confident person I would of gone out there and told them to shut up.

Official WI this morning, I managed to scrape a maintain! I'm very happy with that. Breakfast was a treat of a crust less tomato and mozzarella quiche, shop bought but I am going to try and make one myself.

Dinner is going to be either grilled halloumi with sweet potato fries and tender stem broccoli, or a red thai prawn curry with baby corn, broccoli and carrots. It all depends on use by dates!

If I feel like lunch then it will be my new favourite thing of scrambled eggs and wilted spinach! Susie inspired me, and it is really yummy.
Glad to recruit another spinach fan! :) Plus it gives you a bed for the egg which means you don't need bread - win win :).

Well done on the STS El, you're working hard to get your head round what you need to do and I'm really proud of you xxx

Re the quiche, try it with a sweet potato crust - thin slices of sweet potatoes on the bottom and round the edge, bake for 20 mins, then add your filling - it's really gorgeous!
I love that idea!! I have 5 sweet pots to use, and it would be good to use them for something other than chips. I'm definitely doing that this afternoon.

I'm getting through about a bag a week at the moment. I agree you don't need bread, it feels substantial and filling without it.

I'm just trying to keep in mind why I am doing this. And with my new good carb outlook I'm finding it much easier. So much less pressure on myself compared to WW, calorie counting etc. Still a way to go, but instead of my usual jumping in feet first and feeling like I can't do it, I'm doing little baby steps :)
I've made some nice quiche with a bread dough rather than pastry, still carbs but a no fat crust.
I've made the 'quiche' with sweet potato. It was really good, but I think I should of used more of the slices, I forgot that it shrinks when you cook it. I have half left, so that will be lunch tomorrow. I also had roasted celeriac for the first time. I was pleasantly surprised, it was absolutely lovely! It smelt like celery when raw, but cooked it was more like parsnip, at least to my taste buds. I'll definitely be doing that again!
I love celeriac too - and it makes a lovely slightly peppery mash :).

Yaye to the quiche, it's my fav way of using sweet potatoes - apart from wedges and mash :classic_roll_eyes:.
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All this cooking sounds delicious Elanor! Sounds like you’re head is in the right place xx

There is a hairy dieters recipe for “Cornish” pasties thatbuses a bread dough for the crust instead of pastry - it actually comes out ok!! I hadn’t thought of doing the same substitution for quiche/tarts - good tip Tipperary! X
Celeriac makes an amazing winter soup. And I also use it ro make remoulade salad which is basically coleslaw but with celeriac instead of cabbage. So grated celeriac, grated carrot and a slightly healthier dressing with mustard and Greek yogurt rather than mayo. Its just so knobbly to peel though, does anyone know if Iceland do it frozen?
I found the celeriac not too much of a fuss to peel. I topped and tailed it, then used a sharp knife to take the skin off. I'm definitely buying another one today.

It's a lovely day outside! I have the day off work, so in a little while I am going to drive to the sea! Have a little walk and then do some food shopping.
Don't think Iceland does it - be good if they did! :)

That celeriac coleslaw sounds yummy, and very SW.

Re faux Cornish pasties, there are quite a few SW recipes, using a Weight Watchers wrap.
What a glorious day!! I usually hate hot weather, but it hasn't been too humid today, and there was a lovely breeze as well. Highs of 30 degrees apparently! It was lovely by the sea, I had a walk and sat and listened to the waves crashing on the shore. It was pure bliss.

Ohhhh lovely pic. Is that the Isle of Wight?
Looks blissful. Well done you for getting down there and enjoying it x
Yes, it's the Isle of Wight as seen from the main land. I'm lucky that I live near the coast, as well as the New Forest, and there are some lovely beaches with a view of the Isle. I really need to get out there more often.
So wish i lived near the see. I grew up in Hampshire, and went to school in Petersfield so we could always hop on the train down to Portsmouth.

Now I live in Oxfordshire, I don’t think I could get further away from the seaside if I tried!

Lucky as boyfriends mum lives in the new forest and my parents live in Devon, so we always visit the coast when we are staying with them :) xxx
Hi Bigbear and nice to see you back. Yep I lived by the coast too and now am in a land locked county...and not many of them in Ireland, I really miss the beach.
Lucky as boyfriends mum lives in the new forest and my parents live in Devon, so we always visit the coast when we are staying with them :) xxx

Devon is lovely. I stayed in Brixham last year, the cottage looked out over the harbour. It was beautiful. And the New Forest has the best of the coast and the countryside, it's a great combination.

Happy Sunday! It's too hot, but I have finally bought a fan!! It's the new love of my life!

Healthy eating hasn't gone well this week, resulting in a 3lb gain! But, still under 20st, by 1lb! I know where it went wrong. I planned, but didn't take into account that I would be getting home late from work most days last week. Stupidly I bought for meals that take some preparation and time to cook, instead of simple, quick meals. So for convenience I ended up with pizza and pasta in a cheesy creamy sauce. Plus there was wine!!

I have two new books arriving today that link up with the How to Lose Weight Well TV series on channel 4. They have some good reviews, so hopefully they will be useful.

I am also going to make more of an effort to cut down drastically on the vino and gin!! Going to start with going dry during the week, with a dry weekend as a bonus! I always used to be able to keep it to the weekend, but the last year or so my intake has crept up and up. I really need to cut down now before it becomes a major problem.
Sounds like a great plan Elanor, cutting out booze is always hardestbforbthebfirstbfew daysbwhilst you get better out of the habit. Since starting my dieting a few years ago I’ve really cut down on alcohol - I found it really affects me for several days afterwards emotionally as well as the sore head and dry mouth the next morning!
Quick and easy meals are definitely a good idea, particularly in this weather when we are coming home tired and hot after work xx
Thank you :) It's a vicious circle, the booze. I feel better when I don't drink, and also sleep is much better. But I still head for the wine aisle! I am going to plan much better this week, as I can't see the weather cooling down. I think it has forgotten that Wimbledon starts this week! xx