If I scream.................

I hated that bedsit! In the shower room soon afterwards, I found a big, fat black fecker who was very, very still. It stayed there for ages - I crept on tiptoes around it, frightened to breathe in case I woke it up - until I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

I stealthily approached it like Steve Irwin, with a coathanger in one hand and a saucepan in the other, and gently nudged it with the coathanger so that when it scuttled off, I could catch it in the saucepan and lob it out the window.

It exploded!!!!!

I was GIPPING as I had to clean up the mess! What was all THAT about???!?!?!??!?!?!?


You are braver than moi...i wouldnt have even thought about tackling it - though i understand what you mean about tiptoeing around it - in case ITS disturbed

Crazy but yup been their done that.

Bedsits are havens...i had one that had cracks in the walls and was tormented day and night - i slept with one eye open

Hopefully i will get cured tho'

Yes you can, but not if you plan to have a bar that day. And remember you will need to drink an extra half litre of water as well.

It can cause constipation though! Watch out. It can tangle around food in the intestines. Best to take some Psyllium Husks if you plan to eat the web.

I wouldn't advise it myself. I'm sure it's not in the book. One of those little unofficial extras that people like to add:rolleyes:
has anyone tried making a mousse from spider
I don't know anyone who has tried that.

Would be nice with some Chick and Mush soup, (one teaspoon only).

Needs to be added to the recipe sheet I reckon :cool: