(Will)PowerPuff Girl
Thanks Sweetie, will try my best x
She doesn't know at al, everyone just laughs at me when I tell them so I've stopped telling people now :-( I just tell people I'm being cautious cos of my IBS and they don't laugh at me. X
Thanks Sweetie. X
It's such a shame that you've got no real life support.
I imagine they laugh at you because you don't really need to be losing weight as you look fab as it is.
But I know you're doing it for you, to make you feel a bit better and healthier and sexier.
I tell everyone and anyone.
I don't care.
People do find it weird that I'm doing it, but that's cuz they're looking at me now, not me 3 months ago.
And I'm still not entirely happy yet.
I'm enjoying losing weight too much that I'm not quite ready to stop yet.
Although my goal is 10stone, I'm defo gonna be going for 9.5, or maybe even 9stone.
Depend how I feel when I get to them.
My best friend weighs about 9stone and she's super slim.
Maybe even too slim sometimes.
If I get there and don't like it, I can always just put a few pounds on.