If You Fail To Prepare, You Prepare to Fail

Just stopped at a Coffee Shop in Ringwood called 'Boston Tea Party' and I'm having a Boston Berry Loose Leaf Tea! Resisted the scrummy looking hot chocolates and cakes! X
Just stopped at a Coffee Shop in Ringwood called 'Boston Tea Party' and I'm having a Boston Berry Loose Leaf Tea! Resisted the scrummy looking hot chocolates and cakes! X

Berry tea sounds amaze! And yay for resisting hot choccies and cakes!

According to NI they are 3pp each even in Multiples.
Good Afternoon Sweeties :)

As you remember I had my Breakfast (12pp) and Boston Berry Tea (0pp) and I intended to not have anything till dinner but it got till 2pm and I was really hungry :-( I didn't succumb to temptation tho, I popped into Waitrose and bought a Waitrose Quinoa & Sugar Snap Pea Salad with Elderflower Dressing, I didn't eat the Dressing but still tracked it at 4pp!

So I'm on 16pp so far today. I know that dinner will be more than 10pp but ill stick to one course and use my Weeklies.

Just going for a Swim now, well more like a Splash with Poppy lol!

Lots of Love x
Good Afternoon Sweeties :)

As you remember I had my Breakfast (12pp) and Boston Berry Tea (0pp) and I intended to not have anything till dinner but it got till 2pm and I was really hungry :-( I didn't succumb to temptation tho, I popped into Waitrose and bought a Waitrose Quinoa & Sugar Snap Pea Salad with Elderflower Dressing, I didn't eat the Dressing but still tracked it at 4pp!

So I'm on 16pp so far today. I know that dinner will be more than 10pp but ill stick to one course and use my Weeklies.

Just going for a Swim now, well more like a Splash with Poppy lol!

Lots of Love x

Elderflower dressing sounds gross haha. Did u enjoy the tea? Ive tried green tea b4 and thats put me off flavoured tea for life!! Enjoy your splash.x:)
Salad sounds yummy

Enjoy swimming huni xXx

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Good Afternoon Sweeties :)

As you remember I had my Breakfast (12pp) and Boston Berry Tea (0pp) and I intended to not have anything till dinner but it got till 2pm and I was really hungry :-( I didn't succumb to temptation tho, I popped into Waitrose and bought a Waitrose Quinoa & Sugar Snap Pea Salad with Elderflower Dressing, I didn't eat the Dressing but still tracked it at 4pp!

So I'm on 16pp so far today. I know that dinner will be more than 10pp but ill stick to one course and use my Weeklies.

Just going for a Swim now, well more like a Splash with Poppy lol!

Lots of Love x

Ooo have a nice time! Xx
Thats realy gud is that hun. U got your lengths and stil had fun.x

Yep :) Really hope we get to go to the 2 4 1 Posh Burger Place,will be a really nice treat! Even if its likely to 'cost' about 34pp looking at GBK Menu! Oops! X
Yep :) Really hope we get to go to the 2 4 1 Posh Burger Place,will be a really nice treat! Even if its likely to 'cost' about 34pp looking at GBK Menu! Oops! X

So what hun u enjoy every mouthful. you dont eat like that everyday so do it do it do it.x:D
well ya know ww is here forever but holidays only come once or twice a year so enjoy it while it lasts. i LOVE GBK oh my god its fab
Serena ive just had my lettuce leaf. The middle bit was gross so i chewed without tasting. Heres to a gud nite sleep then.x
According to NI they are 3pp each even in Multiples.

It does indeed - up until 3 thins.
However, at 4 thins, the app and the NI both say 11pp.
It does indeed - up until 3 thins.
However, at 4 thins, the app and the NI both say 11pp.

You said that 3 Thins were 8pp earlier? That's not what the NI says!