Gold Member
This!! Someone I know, who isn't losing weight unless she fasts all day before weigh in, keeps moaning that on Slimming World she can't eat 'normal' food. This frustrates the hell out of me. Slimming World really is meant to be a reeducation regarding what constitutes 'normal' diet. Fresh food is normal. Low processed sugar is normal. High fruit and vegetable consumption is normal. Sh!t out the freezer or a packet is not the normal evolved human diet. It's only been around last forty years or so! In fact, the only part of SW that isn't natural-normal is artificially low fat foods, like low fat cheese or yogurt.
When end I'm at target (I WILL get there!) I plan to increase my HEB by having normal sized wholemeal bread or a normal sized bowl of cereal. If I'm still losing, possibly add another HEB in the form of tbsp olive oil, instead of frylight. Possibly move to regular yogurt. But NEVER to go back to sugary pop, regular high syn junk food etc. want to aim to gradually move to normal, healthy eating afterwards. You've all done so well to get to target. Well done!
Well said!! For me thats the best thing about SW - its taught me to eat "clean" healthy fresh food. I cook pratically everything from scratch. I do have the odd packet food - like tonight have Aldi rissotto but adding fresh fish and salad to it. I used to do WW and eat rubbish, ready meals etc, sometimes would go all day with 1 piece of fruit passing my lips but stick to my points!
I WILL get to target this year and intend to add a HEB and maybe a few syns, I think everyone is different and its about finding what works for your body. So perhaps experiment with adding healthy extras and or syns and see what works best for you.
Well done for getting to targets, its motivational to the rest of us when we read about people getting to target.