I'm back, and need to lose 2 more stone. I MUST I MUST.

Gem you will always be the brightest wisest star out there. Taz is very lucky!

Awww Elle, so sorry to hear about your hospital stay! Don't look at diagnosis as a bad thing, it's the key to dealing with the bigger picture. Now you know what you are dealing with you can get all the support you need and learn how to effectively live with it. You are such a positive person and so full of life, I think the MS should be more scared of you than you are of it!!! Get out there and do all the things you want to do knowing what your limitations are. Many people with my condition are wheelchair dependant so I consider myself lucky and do everything my mobility allows. I just KNOW you wont let this beat you xx
That is SO true Taz - you are always "up and at it" and to your credit DO NOT let the HMS get in your way any more than it has to x

Elle - I hope all is well with you and you are busy reading MS the riot act x
So today I ate a prune. And the rest, as they say, is history...


Oh well, should help with the weigh in tomorrow, which I shall be doing alone at home because I can't make my ww meeting. Boo. I proper enjoy them I do. *sob* *sob*
OMG - Just ONE prune!!!! Sometimes I eat half a dozen (and other fruit besides) :sick0019: x
They're yummy Taz - you don't know what you're missing x
Ha ha - next time you visit I'll do prunes and custard for you x
Hiya folks,

Well, the scales are currently balancing between 12st 1lb and 12st 3, which is great. In other, horrible, upsetting, depressing, shocking news, we went to hospital to sort out our treatment for IVF - remember, we chose to have IVF as we are both carriers of the disease Thalassaemia and we didn't want to pass it on to our children - ...and instead were told that Chris has azoospermia. In other words, there are no sperm in his ejaculate. So, we are officially infertile, although they are still doing investigations. Best case scenario is that he has a blockage that can be fixed and they can extract sperm and go ahead with our IVF. Worse case scenario is that, due to some genetic disorder they have done tests for, his testicles don't make sperm or they make sperm but those sperm don't mature.

We are complete wrecks. I'm absolutely devastated and I'm hoping that there's a blockage or at least they can harvest some sperm because we really want to be a mommy and daddy. Really really. :'( xxx
Add my thoughts to that Elle - I hope it works out for you x
Right, since I hijacked poor Abz's diary last time to announce my pregnancy, I thought I'd better put my latest news on my own, out of date, diary and hope it gets to someone!

I am now just over half way and we went for our 20 weeks scan today. Baby is looking fab and healthy and......


:talk017: Woo-hooooo...... That's really fantastic news Elle - just what we needed to hear x