Hey cookie i just wanted to congratulate you on your weight loss. Im 26 years old and determined to sort my weight out by the time im 30 so your story has really inspired me. You look fantastic and i wish you all the best with the op and maintenance.
Hi Cookie. You will be fed up hearing what an inspiration you are but you really have inspired me. I am only on day 2 and hearing your story and the commitment and dedication shown by you and others like Pink as well really motivate me to get to my goal once and for all. Thanks for sharing your story, you look great and I hope the surgery goes well
Crazy cat lady (lol at username

) - Thank You, and i'm sure you can "sort out" your weight, your stats suggest you only want to lose a little so your goal is more than achievable. Are you a bit of a yo yo dieter and that is what you mean by sort out? Controlling your diet is a massive challenge, it took me a while of experimenting with healthy type foods and finding things that i liked rather than just ate to achieve my goal if that makes sense. Everything i eat now i enjoy and the best thing the majority is healthy good quality food. It took me a while to learn to treat myself with the odd chocolate bar, or a night out for a curry etc as my mind set has been focused so much on losing weight, but i think that eating the one curry will all of sudden put me back to 30st lol. Keep at it and it will come good
Rocky Road - I've hinted at it before but considering some of things i've been called in the past, being called an inspiration will definitely not get tiresome

so thank you!!! The two words you use "commitment & dedication" are something your going to have to get used to, they are obviously very important and you are early in your journey, which i suppose like most people was definitely the hardest point through my weight loss process. In my experience the first month or so was the hardest but afterwards it got easier and it soon became routine rather than chore. There will hopefully be alot of good times and feelings of success but there will be a few setbacks like trying your hardest and sticking to the plan and getting on the scales and having little to no weight loss, i've had a few of those but keep with it and it does come good, believe me, you just try and not let the few setbacks dwindle the motivation. I just kept saying to myself, it took 29+ years to get like this, it's not going to happen overnight and if i keep at it i'll get there, and here i am, waiting for a skin op and then hopefully i'm done and i just need to maintain this for the rest of my life (sounds easy lol)
Any more questions just shout