Oh I'm shattered! AB is poorly, that bloody virus still

. It WAS getting better but its come back again and she's off her food and milk again and is really stuffed up, grizzly and the cough is really bad now

. Neither of us slept last night and I had work today so am now falling asleep on the sofa whilst typing! lol!
AB spent the day with her daddy today as he'd booked the day off for his birthday, while mummy went to work! I had a lovely day tho, was working in a lovely school and the children&staff were really nice. Going back to same school tomorrow then my regular school Wed,Thurs and Fri so a full week for me! Not good with AB being poorly! but its only this week and i'm SO skint so desperate for pay day! My mum's got AB tomorrow and is going to take her to the doctors for me so they can check her chest and then to the baby clinic so she can be weighed.
I've been good"ish" with food but because I know we're going out with friend Wed night for another celebration for OH's birthday (to an-all-you-can-eat-chinese!!)) I seem to be in "holiday" mode and not really being good! September has been a crap month for my diet and I'm not expecting to lose much! But I'm gonna be REALLY good from Wed on.....
Today I've ate:
*breakfast - a cereal bar 80cals 0.2g fat
*Dinner - a pack of lunchables 210cals 11g fat
And a snack pack of grapes
And we're going out for tea! But I'm going to choose something healthy!
Tommorrow's food for school/work will be much the same as I don't really have time to sit and eat whilst in school, so going to try and have:
*cereal before I go
*lunchables, snack a jacks, grapes and a low fat yogurt for dinner
*low fat pasta bake for tea
No exercise tonight but I'm going to Aqua Aerobics tomorrow.
I had a really nice weekend, thankfully didn't drink TOO much, and eating wasn't TOO bad considering I was out all weekend!
Friday I had a ham salad with a white bread baguette and a few vodkas and diet cokes and half a glass of wine.
Saturday I had a mexican chicken and salad seeded roll, chicken fajitas with salsa for dinner, then when we went for our posh meal I had:
*starters - nothing!!

how good was I when everyone was having big starters in fattening sauces!! Felt like a saint!
*Main - chicken fillets barbados (chicken breast fillets in like a spicy curry sauce) with chips

but was SOOOO worth it!
*Nibbled on some french bread too.....
*Dessert - everyone had a dessert each but I was really restrained and SHARED a blackcurrant and white chocolate cheese-cake with vanilla icecream with OH!!
So I was quite good!! I also had 2 large glasses of wine with my meal and 2 vodkas and diet cokes in the pub afterwards. So I thought that was good for my "blowout" meal!
I still spent the whole rest of the night on the loo tho! SO embarrassing!
Sunday, I had:
*2 x English white-bread Muffins for breakfast filled with lean ham and brown sauce - 450cals
*No dinner
*Tea - a paprika chicken breast with salad and pinched 2 onion rings and a few chips off OH.
Right, going to nosey on other people's pages before we go out!