I agree with Vanda, Kate - you cant choose your family! My mum's a bit maddening too :flamingmad:- she's like a stick insect and likes to point out at every opportunity that i'm not! her "affectionate" name for me is fatty! nice!

cant wait to show her that i can (eventually) be thin and actually eat (she doesnt!)

What's so maddening is when i was eating fatty/sugary/junk she used to make "weight" comments, now im on a diet and being really good (before starting xenical i lost 6.5lbs on my own in 2 weeks) she keeps offering me cakes, chocs, buying chineses etc...and in the food shop this week she bought cakes, crisps, biscuits, icecream, micro-burgers!!! we NEVER have that crap in our shop normally! & it cant have been for her coz shes gone camping and left it in the cupboards/freezer! So its DEF there to tempt me! :sigh:
So think ur self lucky that @ least you don't live with your mum now Kate! Lol!
And you deserve to feel fab about fitting into that sz16 and ur loss of 1.5 stone!

so just think how jealous she's gonna be when ur a right skinny mini and :Na_Na_Na_Na:!! you're well on your way now and you look fab exactly as you are.
I wanna be a sz 16 (top at least) by christmas, i'm a sz 22 (24 on a bloated day :cry

on bottom and sz 20 on top!
It's the biggest i've EVER been and so depressing! I was an 18 top and 20 bottom before i got pregnant and stayed that all the way through it's been since she's been born that i've put on MORE weight! it's a bum!
I was 17 1/2 stone exactly when she was born, and just under 17 stone a few weeks later, that's what made me relax a bit - BIG mistake the last stone and a half has come on out of nowhere! I've ate more in the last 6 months she's been born than the whole time I was pregnant!
Not beating myself up with going over my cals Kate, as I've been on a few sites online that advise to maintain my weight I would need around the 2400-2500 cals/day figure and to lose weight i'd need anything under that, SO my reckoning is 1650 (which is what I had yest) is still 850 cals under what I'd normally eat and miles less fat than i'd normally have AND it was my dreaded diet day, a sat!
SO all in all i was quite pleased when i thought about it!

Feel like i'm justifying myself! but like i think ive mentioned before my mum-in-law (to be) is on xenical too and she doesnt even count cals she just counts fat content and shes loosing 4-5lbs a week!! and is a bit of a

arty0036:fiend too and is having 3-4 glasses a night and STILL loosing that! So def not beating myself up for having around 1600 mark and less than 20g fat!
OOh do Asda really do little cereals for £1!?

Def shopping there next week! I LOVE cereal! Was gonna do my shop there ne way as i wanna find more weight watchers stuff than they do in my normal tesco store.
I had the Toby Carvery and it was VERY tasty

and VERY filling! I'm absolutely stuffed! I filled up on veg (broccolli, swede, cabbage, carrots - yummy) and asked for a smaller yorkshire pudd and cut it in half, gave my OH the rest (they're MASSIVE in TC and I didnt want ne orange accidents!) had 1 stuffing ball (massive 115 cals each!) but then the rest was healthy!
Got all the fat and cal stats off the TC website, was hoping they weren't lying to sound healthier than they are! but took my tablet with dinner and now 2.5 hours later - no reactions! had a grumbly belly afterwards and was feeling REALLY bloated but no accidents!
The cereal for tea doesn't sound very filling does it!? My friends are coming over now and they've actually decided they want takeaway from the kebab shop for tea - see how much my normal lifestyle revolves around eating out! One of them coming over is on the atkins diet, so he wants chicken and doner meat so I've decided I'm gonna have a pitta bread filled with lettuce, peppers, onions and tomatoes and gonna whip my own garlic and mint sauce up now in the kitchen (v.low fat natural yogurt, mint and garlic - yummy!) So just as little calories as the cereal but lots more filling! - don't even know if I'll need it as I'm still full from dinner!
No, my friends who are coming over (except the one whos on atkins -he's male and is quite large) are tiny! all size 8-10 quite depressing really! gym fiends too! they're the ones i'm joining the local gym

with on tues and Curves on wed....
((i did Curves 3 years ago when I first started uni, and I lost 16lb in a month, 4 inches off my waist, an inch off each arm, 2 inches off each leg and various other inches all over! was "star of the month" on the star board too! carried on for another 5 months then found it hard to get there after uni and it all went downhill from there! Was a sz 16 then and around 13-14 stone - thought I was massive! what I would give to be that sz now! I digress....)
I AM feeling positive today girlies! A new day a new me! My new years resolution for this yr was "this is the year I lose weight!" and its taken me to August but I'm gonna do it! I wanna feel attractive, worthy and above all else - healthy! I'm feeling healthier and sleeping better already so god knows how well i'll feel in a few months! REALLY looking forward to Christmas! :xmastree:
Normally when I'm on a diet I look at all the things i'm "loosing out" on, I can't eat this....can't eat that.... but now I'm enjoying refusing unhealthy foods, enjoying saying no and I'm enjoying being bk in control of what i put in my mouth!

(not like that Kate - you rude girl! ha ha!)
Looking forward to the pounds falling off! Not gonna set myself up for a fall - i've decided to weigh every fortnight on the scales @ my local boots, (every fortnight coz then the weight loss should be showing more than normal body fluctuations in a week) I'm gonna get a print out and make it into a "My weight loss journey - scrap book!" gonna put in "before" photos and take photos every month - so even if i have a gain it'll be part of the journey to slim-dom!
Bought Jason Vale's "Juice yourself slim" today - the juicing diet and hoping to take the principles from that over the next few days, of not do it as strictly as the "lose 7lbs in 7 days juicing diet!" - don't think I can handle that!
But this is what I'm planning to eat over the next few days:
Breakfast - 2 pieces of toast -98cals
Slither of Flora really light - 35 cals
2 weetabix with skimmed milk - 129cals
Dinner - 352 cals - Tesco Healthy Living Ready Meal (tuna and pasta bake)
80 cals - Steamed veg
Tea - OH'S special broccolli and pasta cheese bake - (using v.low fat cheese) 400cals
80 cals steamed veg
Snacks - mullerlite - 110cals
Drink - green tea (to boost metabolism) and @ least 2 litres of water.
Raspberry, blueberry, apple and banana smoothie for breakfast (using juicing recipe)
Apple, mango, pineapple smoothie for dinner
Tesco Healthy Living Meal - chicken noodles and sweet and sour sauce for tea - 450 cals
Steamed veg 80 cals
Again, drink at least 2litres of water!! and lots of green tea!
that's around - 940 cals but gonna constantly nibble on fruit and drink ice cold water (tricks my health shop friend advised me on!) so my body doesnt think its starving!
Feeling really positive! Off to greet my friends now - i'm the hostess with the most-ess! ha ha! Have a good night girlies xxxx