Im back for good! 2012 is my year to taste success-& it tastes like a cambridge shake

wooooooooop! Nice one hunnny! Keep it up love were dead proud of ya!

Stop weighing!! (ahem pot/kettle :p )

hope u have a fab weekend hunny
Thanks Katie, I'm not too proud of myself today- I've had a shitty day to be honest!

I had a CD summer fruits shake for breakfast, then went cockle picking (!) in Oxwich Bay which was fine - no food around for miles so I was OK! Then on the way home we stopped in to watch my nephew's rugby tournament and I had a slice of boiled egg out of their salad and 2 of my nephew's nik naks!! SO annoyed with myself....why can't I stop picking?? To top it off I've got PMT and am craving chocolate big style but I'm not gonna let myself have a piece coz I'll end up eating the whole bar! Just hope I get to see the hypnotist soon - have zero self control myself!

OOOH I need to lend me some of will power!!

It just seems like i've got a mammoth battle to lose ANY of this weight and I'm fed up of battling with myself over food every day! I just want to "not care" and not want food!!

Any tips much appreciated!!

I'm going to do a 100% SS day tomorrow - NO PICKING! a 100% ss day Tues - then it's WI tues night. Then I'm going to allow myself a SS+ meal of chicken salad Wed night - hopefully this will keep me going and give me something to look forward to / stop me picking at everything else! I'm planning on having a SS+ meal Thurs night too then I'm hopefully seeing the hypnotist Friday - if he can fit me in, so hopefully, if it works like the bread did, I'll be SS from there on.

Right I'm going to have a bath and go to bed early tonight so I don't eat anything else!

I'm going to have a CD porridge before bed, so thats the two CD products, a slice of egg and 2 nik naks!

Wish me more luck tomorrow!

BTW - i'm giving my scales away!! Yes really! They're the quite expensive digital WW's ones and my sis has just started WW and is going to buy a pair in the week, so instead of her paying for a pair I'm gonna give her mine! Then I'm just going to weigh once a week at my CDC's house! That'll hopefully cure my serial weighing!

Hun, don't beat yourself up over what you had today. Egg is protien and hardly any carbs so going to do no damage at all

hugs though, food rules my life too. I know exactly how you feel

charlie xx
OH Hun! Hope u r ok!

Like Charlie said a slice of egg ain't gunna break the bank! Neither is 2 crisps! On all your posts you keep saying how big of a task it's going to be to loose weight etc an you got to stop thinking of it like that! You need to break it down in to smaller manageable chunks, say stone by stone.

Also if you feel you need to do ss+ why don't you talk to your CDC about it! Your planning on being on cd till Xmas so you need to be enjoying it, not beating your self up about it cos it's gunna do your head in! Lol

I hope I haven't made things worse for ya Hun! Hhuugs

love katie xxxx
No, you haven't made things worse hun, and I actually think SS+, with a few days of SS here and there would be MUCH better for me, but if I switch to that now I'll feel like I've failed....other people can manage NO food and SS, why can't I??

I feel like such a failure. I'm going to do SS 100% tomorrow and then WI tues and see how I feel. I have actually been thinking of swapping to SS+ but I'm scared of will I stop there?? Will that lead to 810 plan, to 1000 plan?? It's like I can't control my eating! I def need to see the hypnotist asap!

I just feel so up and down on this diet! Mornings I'm loving it and then it gets to 3pm + and all I can think about is food, which is why I think if I swapped to SS+ then I know I'm still on a VLCD of around 615cals/day ......I think I'll stick to it much better and not be tempted to cheat when I know I can have a chicken salad / chicken and veg for tea. I'm def going to do a whole week of SS+ anyway to see what the weight loss is like, as, like you said Katie, I'm on this til Christmas, so if I can test out what weight loss a week on SS+ gives me then I can weigh up what plan I want to do.

I think I'm just expecting too much too soon arent I? I expected to go on CD SS and just not "want" food anymore just because I "want" to be thin so much! But its not gonna work like that or i wouldnt have got this big in the first place! I suppose I've gotta learn to take one step at a time and get used to not going for meals/having takeaways/eating! I've really got to stop picking too!

So I think that maybe upping to SS+ will conquer the picking because I'll have the one meal to look forward to in the evening and then maybe after a few weeks on this I can drop to SS / do SS for 3days out of the week? Like mix it up a bit.

Does anyone know if SS+ keeps you in ketosis? I'm guessing it does if you're already in it, as atkins puts you into ketosis doesn't it?? and SS+ meals have to comply with the CD "rules" and have no carbs only protein and green veg, I just dont want to swap to SS+ if it doesnt keep you in ketosis and then I feel starving and tired all the time!

I SO wanted to be the type of person on CD that didn't think she was being "deprived" of anything, that I was doing this because I wanted to not because I had to. But the truth is I do HAVE to because i'm so over-weight and because I can't have it, I just can't stop thinking about food!

I'm going to work on being more positive about it this week....but MAY have to change to SS+ to keep me going! So much of my social life revolves around meeting for lunch in pubs / going out for meals and I'm feeling like I've given up so much all at once! If I could have a plain chicken salad when I was out with friends I'd at least feel like part of the human race again!

Ideas / advice / opinions welcome! What does everyone think??

With SS+ you do stay in ketosis if you stick to it properly hun and you will also find that there is very little difference in weight losses between the 2 plans as well.

Come on lady, you are only in week one, of course you are going to be missing food. Just try and accept these thoughts and look at your long term goals and aim to meet them.

hugs, it is hard but it will be so worth it.

Is all about choice hun. What do you want out of it

Charlie xx
I know Charlie...but you make it sound so easy when you put it like that! and in theory it is, I either put the food in my mouth or i don't, but when everyone around me is eating and I feel like I'm always battling with myself its SO hard!

My OH sat me down and gave me a stern talking to last night too! He said almost the very same thing - that I've been so upset and down about my weight for so long and now I'm doing something about it I should be so proud and pleased of myself instead of being down about it! He said, and I quote,

"you think you're some sort of robot Lynsey and because you've decided to do this Cambridge Plan and you really want it (weight loss) you just assume that your body/mind is going to want it too and that you won't want food. But you WILL want food, its natural especially when everyone else is eating or its dinner time and you can see and smell food. But you need to think of what you want more. You also need to realise that youre NOT a robot and if you have a blip and eat or have a little pick that you can congratulate youself on not totally binging out and then draw a line under it and start a new day. Instead, you have a massive panic attack because you've had a small pick at something and then start thinking - I cant do this, I cant cope with not eating, I'm failing! and want to give up."

At the time, I was quite shocked that he'd noticed so much but he'd definately hit the nail on the head! I've got a food addiction so just because I've decided to do CD to lose weight doesn't mean I'm "magically" going to have stopped wanting/liking food!

SO my new theory is this - I'm not going to "choose" a plan, I'm going to let a plan choose me, so if I feel hungry when I get home from work in the nights, I'll drink some water, brush my teeth and busy myself with some task or activity and if I'm STILL hungry 20mins later I'll let myself have a SS+ meal and STOP there. I'm also going to be going to the gym this week so my CDC has advised that I have a SS+ meal on my gym days anyway so I think this is a good thing to be going on with!

I'm also going to be more positive about it - e.g when I WI on a tuesday I'm going to pat myself on the back for ANY loss - as any loss is a step in the right direction and then I will aim to improve on how well I stuck to the plan the following week.

This doesnt mean I'm going to allow myself to "cheat" so that I can "improve" the following week - it means I'm not going to give up whatever gets in my way!

I'm noticing a pattern that I always feel more positive in the morning as I'm not at all hungry when I wake up and then start to wane around 3pm - so today at 3pm I am going to log on and read my positive posts!

Good luck to everyone with their weight loss challenges this week!

am SO SO annoyed, I started CD SS a week ago and I went to the doctors on the same day to get them to sign my form. The doctor wouldn't do it there and then and told me to give it in to reception - no mention of any fee. I have been on the plan a week and by my scales have lost 6-7lbs! (woo woo!!), weighing reminded me about the form so I phoned the doctors to see if the form was ready to pick up and was told "yes it is, you can pick it up any time - but it incurs a cost of £30!!"

I nearly fainted! £30!! There's no way I'm paying that out of principle! Thats nearly my weeks' supply of CD!!

I phoned my CD consultant and she said that she will email CD but as I have no other medical problems (other than a BMI of over 45) and that the surgery have admitted that the doctor has happily signed it, there should be no problem with me continuing with CD SS/SS+ until the problem with my form is resolved. She's told me to write a letter of complaint to the practice manager and wait for a reply. During which time I'm allowed to follow SS+. I only have a stone to go until my BMI is under 40 so here's to losing that over the next week or two so I don't even need that bloody form!!

SO SO annoyed!

Here's a sample of my letter of complaint!! (I have obvsiously omitted some of the personal details / names etc so it doesn't read as well! but hoping to get a suitable response from them!)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the recent information I have received upon telephoning the surgery.

I had an appointment with Doctor xxx on Tuesday 20th April to discuss my test results. Whilst there I discussed with Doctor xxxx my desire to lose a lot of weight in order to feel fitter and healthier. I also made Doctor xxxx aware of my decision to begin a new weight loss programme called the Cambridge Weight Plan.

In order to begin this plan I needed the signature of my doctor on the Medical Referral Form as my BMI is over 45. The MFR is not a “permission” or consent form for the doctor, it simply needs a signature to confirm that the medical details I have provided on the form are correct.

I asked Doctor xxxx whether she would sign the form and she said to give it in to Reception and she would have a look at it after surgery time that day and if I telephoned in the week it could be picked up.

There was no mention of a fee being charged and I definitely didn’t think to ask if there was one because I didn’t, for the life of me, think that there would be.

I telephoned the surgery this morning (26/04/2010) and was informed that Dr xxxx HAD signed my form and that it was ready to pick up but it would incur a fee of £30!!

I was asked if I had been pre-informed of the fee and I replied, most certainly not!

I asked what would happen if I could not afford to pay the £30 and I was passed through to someone else who told me that if I could not afford to pay then the form could not be released.

I find this absolutely ridiculous! I understand that in some surgeries they charge an admin fee for this sort of thing, but I have asked around and no one has ever heard of being charged £30 for a medical form to be signed!

I am a member of the Cambridge Plan Forum on the internet and no one else has ever experienced this cost for their doctors’ to sign their medical forms.

I am a mum who works part-time and there is no way that I can afford to pay that sort of money just to get a signature to embark on a weight loss plan!

Before turning to the Cambridge Plan, I was prescribed the prescription weight loss drug Orlistat / Xenical by one of the doctors at this surgery and even after following the low fat diet plan, I can honestly say that I did not lose any weight.

I understand that this prescription drug is very expensive for the NHS.

I am now spending my own money on the Cambridge Plan products and for the first time ever am experiencing a great weight loss (approximately 9lbs in the first two weeks).

Yet, the surgery is saying that they would willingly prescribe me Orlistat monthly at a cost far higher to the surgery and the NHS as a whole, and that would be free to me – but they want to charge me to start a weight loss plan that I, myself, am paying for??

As for the notion that if I can not afford to pay for the form it cannot be released – surely this is a double loss, both to myself and the surgery – as I do not receive the form which is already signed – yet the doctor has already taken the time to sign it!

I have tried other diet plans such as Weight Watchers and Slimming World, whereby I do not need a doctor’s signature on a medical referral form – and I have not lost more than a few pounds over a long period of time. I have tried just under 2 weeks on the Cambridge Plan and already lost 9lbs!

I have found something that works for me and I find it hard to believe that the NHS wants to charge me for that!

Surely if I continue to be obese I am putting more of a strain on the surgery’s and the NHS’ resources?

I would like you to consider the points I have addressed in this letter as I am a mum and I only work part-time so there is no way of me being able to afford £30 for a signature. I intend to stick to the Cambridge Plan 100% and get myself down to a healthy weight and BMI. I do not expect the surgery to PAY anything for me to do this, I am using my own money and my own commitment – I just did not expect to have to pay out any extra money than the Cambridge Diet plan costs!

And that's the letter I'm hand delivering for the practice manager today!! The bloody cheek of it!

I know my surgery was terrible but this is something else!!

I'm more determined than ever to do it now and to go back in a few months time for an appt with the same doctor and show her my before and after pics!!

Thank god I've got such an understanding CDC! She's emailing head office to explain the situation and cover herself and she's keeping a copy of my complaint letter on file until i get a reply from the surgery. I'm hoping that I will be under BMI 40 soon anyway and wont need the damn signature!

On a postive note, I weighed this morning before giving the scales to my sister and I've lost 6lbs by my scales! I WI with my CDC tomorrow night! So if my 6lbs is right then I only need to lose another 10lbs to get my BMI under 40! So if that's not enough incentive then nothing is!

Morning everyone!!

It's Weigh In today and according to my scales I've lost.........7lbs!! Woop woop! And its TOTM and I'm still heavily constipated!

Thats by my scales tho (still haven't given them away!) so I'm weighing on my CDC's at 11.30am as I'm working half day today so start at 1pm but she lives by the school i'm working in so I'm going to go there first, be weighed then go to work! Let's hope it's the 7lbs!!

Feeling much more positive today. I've decided to not "beat myself up" if I follow SS+ as its not even a step up on the CD plan, it's still counted as Step One. So I'm just going to make sure that I go to the gym / walking / swimming lots!

I'm going Thurs night with my friend and we're spending the evening there, we're going to the gym first and do some light exercises (bike, treadmill, rowing machine, some toning exercises and free weights) and then we're going to the Aqua Aerobics class. I'm actually excited and looking forward to it! lol!

Today's menu is:
-Choc shake as hot choc in work after WI (with Fibre 89!!)
-Choc mint shake as hot choc after work
-Tuna salad / or / an A & C porridge
-my multivitamin
-2 Senokot - I need to go!!

Anyway, I'm off to get dressed and pack my bag for work!


I've been to WI and have been walking on air all afternoon!!

I've lost ......................... (drum roll please!) .....................8.5lbs!!

OH MY GOD!! I now weigh 232lbs!! and am 1lb away from my first stone lost through CD in my first two weeks!! (and the first week wasn't a proper week it was just preparation!!)

It's TOTM and I'm heavily constipated so am SO SO SO SO SO pleased with 8.5lbs loss!!

I don't WI until Friday 7th May now because I have to switch my WI day to a Friday and it's not worth going back THIS friday, so I've got 10 days to lose as much as possible to please my CDC and myself!!

I'm walking on air!!

I'm going to have a SS+ tuna salad now and a Choc mint as hot chocolate before bed!

I've not done too well on the water front today tho only managing 1litre so far and it's gone 6pm! I'd better start sipping.

Woo woo!! 8.5lbs!!




Well done you, thats fantastic. Now remember this joy whenever you are feeling a bit down. Thats an amazing loss hun.

As for constipation, get yourself some Movicol - is magic stuff.

Well done again chick xxxx
:talk017: Wooooooooooooooooop wooooooooooooop!

Well done hunny! Im soooo proud of you!

Did you enjoy your meal? lol

Now you must throw those scales away hunny! (pot/kettle) They lie!

Mucho love!


Thanks hunnies! I'm SO pleased!

I'm going to do 100% this week! But it should be easier as I'll be 100ss+ing.

I've also 'been' to the loo so am feeling so much better!

I have had a few dizzy spells today tho.....not nice!

Here's to 4lbs next week I'm hoping! Lol.

I got the choc mint shakes today! Oh my god! Heaven in a glass!

Right I'm off to bed now coz I've got a busy working day tomorrow.

Hey girlies,

I'm feeling a bit deflated today....8.5lbs loss yesterday and I was ecstatic, but then I spent all night in agony, first I was light headed and kept feeling like I was blacking out which I didn't think anything of, (just thought it was a side effect of CD and meant that I needed to take it easy) I just made myself a CD choc mint shake as a hot chocolate and went to bed - BUT then I was awake ALL night with an excruitating burning pain just under my right ribs....?? Not sure what it is?? I'm a bit worried about kidney stones / gall stones / pancreatis??

I'm hoping its just that I was/am dehydrated??

My CDC was freaking right out and told me to come off the diet until I can be seen by a doctor?? But I feel so sick today I haven't been able to eat anything anyway - not even the CD shakes!

Has anyone heard of this? It feels like its coming from my side (but more towards my back than my front) and directly under the ribs.
What organ is there?? It's too far up for kidneys.....i think! I've had kidney stones / kidney infections before so it doesnt feel like the same place.

I was working today too so spent all day in agony and am working if I'm gonna see a doctor I'm gonna have to go to the out of hours in the hospital tonight.....there's still a little ache there but no where near as bad as last night - just hope it doesnt flare up again tonight.

Any advice girlies??

Helllllllllllo everyone!

I’ve had a 100% SS day so far. I’ve been so busy in work I wouldn’t have had chance to eat! I find as the days are going on its getting easier and I'm not thinking about food so much - I'm even forgetting to eat my “shake”! lol! Coz I don't feel hungry at all!

I still felt sick this morning so I had a tetra pack (strawberry) at lunch time in work (12.30) and I've just had a choc shake as a hot choc. I can't make up my mind if I want a SS+ m
eal for tea or not??

I promised my CDC that I would do SS+ until I get seen by the doctor but I wanted a day "off" Monday because all my family are taking the kids to Longleat Safari Park for the day and I want some of the yummy picnic!! lol!

So I might SS til Monday and then have a CD for breakfast Monday and picnic for lunch.....

How are you feeling today??

I'm feeling SO ill and sorry for myself at the moment, on top of the glandular fever that I'm still getting over I've now got gallstones and mastitis!!

I’m not even freaking joking!!

Glandular fever, gall stones AND mastitis!! What have I done to deserve this??

And I STILL can’t get a doctors appointment til NEXT friday! ridiculous. I'm gonna phone lunch time tomorrow for an emergency appt. My left breast is like a big hard lump and SO painful!

Prob too much information for you all! lol!

I know its mastitis because I had it whilst pregnant and whilst breast feeding and it feels exactly the same, I had to google it to see if you could have it without being pregnant/breastfeeding and you can so it’s def that!

Think I must just be run down from the glandular fever so now I’m getting EVERYTHING!

I feel like poo!

I’m still working though because I’m a supply teacher and need the money – if I don’t work I don’t get paid, so I can’t even phone in sick!

Right, I’m going to have a shower and have an early night!

Heeeeeeeello everyone!!

I've been so busy I haven't had chance to log on!

I literally havent stopped with work and rushing about doing things at home....our bloody boiler broke down on Sunday so we had British Gas out to look at it and they've condemned it - stuck condemned stickers all over it and said that its unuseable/infixable and that has been giving off carbon monoxide fumes!!

It was only fitted 4 years ago when we had flood in the kitchen which ruined the boiler so the insurance got a brand new one fitted for us - well it turns out they never got a new one they got a reconditioned one that was wired up incorrectly!! SO annoyed! I've got a baby in the house and we all could have died of CM poisoining!

British gas told us that someone would come to give us a quote on a new one and it would be around £500. We thought it sounded too good to be true. They came today - £3400!!

That's daylight robbery when the boiler they're giving us costs £600 to buy so that's £2800 to fit it?!! Shocking!

ooooooooooooooooooh I could scream!

Anyway, food wise - I've been really naughty today too!! I was so busy in work that I forgot to have my shakes and we'd planned to go out with friends tonight for a meal - I was just going to have a chicken breast and broccoli and I caved and ordered chicken breast in a tomato and pepper sauce! Then pinched 4 chips off OH's plate!! It tasted so yummy and that time but now the pain in my ribs is back and I feel bloated and bleurgh!

Wish I'd just stuck to shakes! you live you learn aye!

I'm SO tired!!

Annabelle's been a right grumpy madam today, I really hope she's not coming down with something again!

I've got everything ready for our family day out at West Midlands Safari Park tomorrow so am going to have an early night tonight!

I've put Annabelle's little outfit ready - little denim jeggings with sparkles on the bum, a red tunic top and her little red swing jacket! Whilst I was picking them out I realised what I've been missing for myself for ages - the enjoyment of picking out clothes for days out! Choosing what outfit to wear where .... I used to love it now I just throw on whatever's clean / fits / will stretch as I eat!!

I can't wait to lose weight so I can start planning outfits again!

I've planned my outfits for my two-day Alton Towers trip at the end of August already!! Coz I should be at least 3.5 stone down by then, (my CDC said that's very do-able on CD)!!

For the first day (and travelling up on the bus) I've set my sights on a pair of linen trousers, a sleeveless tunic top, a red longline cardi and red gladiator sandals!!

Then a black wrap dress and gold heels for the evening. Then a flowered dress and black leggings with the same gladiator sandals for the Sunday with a flowered head band!

I can't wait to start loving clothes and start shopping again!

I've had SS+days yesterday and today, Yesterday I had apple and cinnamon porridge, a hot choc shake and then for tea I had a chicken breast with broccoli. I also had half a grilled sausage!

Today I've had an SS+ day, I had a hot choc for breakfast and tea and for dinner I had a chicken breast with broccoli - its becoming my new favourite meal! lol!

I've also picked at a few of Annabelle's meal - a carrot here, a crisp there....I've REALLY got to stop picking!!

I'm a bit nervous at how I'm going to cope at the Safari park tomorrow - all my family are going (my mum, dad, my older sister and her 3 children and partner, my middle sister, her partner and her little boy, my little sister and her best friend, me, OH and Annabelle) so my mum's packed a massive picnic all full of all sorts of goodies! She's also packed a massive salad, boiled eggs and chicken breasts for me! So there's definately things to keep me on track.

I weighed today and I've lost 2lbs so far this week!! I'm not worried because it all came off in the last two days last week and I'm not officially weighing in until Friday this week! So if I DO cheat tomorrow I've got until Friday to lose it!

Right, I'm going to pack Annabelle's baby bag for tomorrow and then off to have an early night!

Hey hunni, STOP PICKING!!!!!!!!!! You are doing so well, and although a little bit of picking won't do any real damage, you will get into a bad habit and habits are hard to break. Golly I am a nag lol

Hope you had a nice day today chick.

Keep going - nearly wi time

Charlie xx
Ha ha! I know hun, I really should stop picking!

Had a terrible food day today - 2 grated cheese and onion rolls, a pack of skips, a cookie, a piece of quiche and 2 marshmallow teacakes! Not good!

More food than in an hour than I've ate in two weeks!

Not worth it at all as now I feel like ***** - bloated up like a big balloon and constipated!

I'm back on it with a vengenance (sp??) now! I'm going to have SS days for the rest of this week! It's meant to be WI tomorrow but my CDC has swapped me to a Friday so I will prob have a sneaky weigh at home tomorrow but I'm being officially WI on Friday evening.

Right, I'm going to bed early! Hope this bad belly clears in the night! xx
Hope your tummy feels better soon.

I know when I have a cheat day and eat carbs I feel really full and bloated very quickly. Is so not worth it.

have a good day xx