Soon to be yummy mummy
Silver Member
Thanks girlies,
Yeah def, Ali, gotta confront the reasons why i over-eat! don't think there's any deep-rooted reason to understand now, i just love food!! lol!
THINK there was in the past, it was just how i dealt with every emotion - i've always LOVED food, even when i was thinner, and i used to comfort eat when i was sad to cheer me up, if i had something to celebrate i'd think "let's go for a meal", if I was bored I'd eat and if i was just happy i'd eat! Then my best friend died suddenly at just 21, and it was totally unexpected, I was in uni and trying to cope with everything, and I coped by eating! Her mum lost loades of weight through the grief and shock and I just went the opposite way and piled it on!
I understand this and try not to do that now....but I think its just become a habit, (to eat!) and one that's not so easy to break! But I'm getting there!
When I think of the cals I must've been consuming before and they must've been around the 2400-3000 range daily without even thinking of what fat was in what i was eating, I realise how far I've come in just 3 weeks.... In the last 3 weeks, I haven't put anything in my mouth without either working out whats in it, checking the pack etc... and I never go over 2000cals a day even if i'm having a "bad" day... so i'm feeling optimistic!
I didn't want a "quick fix" this time so that meant I'd pile the weight bk on as soon as I stopped, I wanted to set up healthy eating patterns for life, which I think I'm doing this time! I know that WHEN (not IF!) I get to my goal weight, I'm alwaysd gonna have to watch what I eat and loosely count cals, and I don't mind!
Before it would really fill me with fear at the thought of "dieting" for ever....but that's why this isn't a "quick fix diet" it's a lifestyle change and one I'm looking forward to living!
I'm drinking more water (no fizzy drinks, milkshakes etc....), I'm using skimmed milk, taking vitamins, eating more fruit and veg, not eating fat.... not eating so many processed foods, not eating sweets, I've cut down on takeaways and eating out and when I DO eat out I'm making healthier choices! I'm looking after myself for once and I feel great for it!
I know I've got a problem with the "protein" side of things, but I don't really like meat!
I like chicken, turkey and tuna and that's it! No other seafood, fish or meat! And I've been avoiding the tuna as even the one in springwater gives me the dreaded oil! lol!
And I was thinking of just introducing fish into my diet and holding my nose whilst I ate it! But I really wanna ENJOY my "diet" and not do this.....any suggestions for protein?? How do veggies get their's??
I just gotta increase on the exercise front and then I'll be feeling FAB! I've got Curves tonight and I can't wait! I love that I'm looking forward to exercise!
I've found out that I can actually go to Curves "free" more than the 3 times a week! I just have to "cheat" and use my visitors pass at different Curves and not go to the same I've found 2 more fairly close to me and I've wrote myself an exercise plan for the next 3 weeks and I'm gonna tick it off as I do it!
If I stick to it 100% I'm going to put £100 away for new clothes! If I stick to it 50% I'm going to put £50 away.....and so on!
I haven't given myself TOO much so as to not set myself fail, just enough to make sure I do SOMETHING every day! So here's my plan for the next 3 weeks, starting today:
Thursday 20/08/2009:
2 mile walk and 30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches.
Friday 21/08/09:
2 mile walk with the pram to the shops and back
Saturday 22/08/2009:
Curves 30 mins workout, sit ups and stretches
(and will be out and about walking with OH and babba)
Sunday 23/08/09:
Go for a long walk down the beach and over the sand dunes
Monday 24/08/09:
Go for a walk
(Am busy this day with various appointments, AB has hosp appointments about her food haven't planned much in)
Tuesday 25/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Wednesday 26/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Thursday 27/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Friday 28/08/09:
2 mile walk
Saturday 29/08/09:
Fitness and Spa day with OH:
*Spend at least 45 mins in the gym, (cross trainer, treadmill, bike, rowing machine, weights)
*Followed by at least 20 mins swimming.
Then sauna, jacuzzi and spa!
Sunday 30/08/09:
Leisure Centre day with OH planned (Babba away with grandparents for the bank hol weekend!)
*At least 45mins in the gym again (same apparatus)
*At least 20mins swimming lengths
*Followed by sauna
Monday 31/08/09:
Weigh day first thing!! How much have I lost in a month??!!
*Exercise - just getting out and about with OH
Tues 01/09/2009:
2 mile walk to shops with pram
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Wed 02/09/09:
Go to gym with friend in morning, do at least 45mins, (cross trainer, rowing machine, treadmill, bike and weights)
Curves 30mins workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches.
Thursday 3/09/09:
2 mile walk to shops with pram
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Friday 4/09/09:
Go away for the weekend, so will spend most of day travelling.
Saturday 5/09/09:Away @ sports & leisure complex:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Sunday 6/09/09:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Monday 07/09/09:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Tuesday 08/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Wednesday 09/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Thursday 10/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Phew...! So that's all the exercise I've planned for the next 3 weeks, I'll mark it off as I've done it and then add in anything extra I do.
Feel better now I've made a structured plan! Not sure if this is enough for maximum effects, but it's better than what I currently do! So surely ANY exercise is a step in the right direction!
Christmas is my "short-term" goal and I really hope to be able to mark off all my targets I've set in my signature so far by Christmas! My brother and his family are coming over from Sweden for Christmas and I really want them to notice a change in me, as any compliments I get off them re. weight loss will be more valid as I don't see them every day so they should notice a big change!
Food-wise today I've had:
*A SF bar for brekkie
*A mullerlite yogurt
*A cup of green tea
and lots of water!
I don't know what I'll be having for lunch, but I have chicken stir fry and noodles planned for tea! yummy!
Well, I've written an essay now! So gonna nose at some other pages!
Spk soon, xxxx
Yeah def, Ali, gotta confront the reasons why i over-eat! don't think there's any deep-rooted reason to understand now, i just love food!! lol!
THINK there was in the past, it was just how i dealt with every emotion - i've always LOVED food, even when i was thinner, and i used to comfort eat when i was sad to cheer me up, if i had something to celebrate i'd think "let's go for a meal", if I was bored I'd eat and if i was just happy i'd eat! Then my best friend died suddenly at just 21, and it was totally unexpected, I was in uni and trying to cope with everything, and I coped by eating! Her mum lost loades of weight through the grief and shock and I just went the opposite way and piled it on!
I understand this and try not to do that now....but I think its just become a habit, (to eat!) and one that's not so easy to break! But I'm getting there!
When I think of the cals I must've been consuming before and they must've been around the 2400-3000 range daily without even thinking of what fat was in what i was eating, I realise how far I've come in just 3 weeks.... In the last 3 weeks, I haven't put anything in my mouth without either working out whats in it, checking the pack etc... and I never go over 2000cals a day even if i'm having a "bad" day... so i'm feeling optimistic!
I didn't want a "quick fix" this time so that meant I'd pile the weight bk on as soon as I stopped, I wanted to set up healthy eating patterns for life, which I think I'm doing this time! I know that WHEN (not IF!) I get to my goal weight, I'm alwaysd gonna have to watch what I eat and loosely count cals, and I don't mind!
Before it would really fill me with fear at the thought of "dieting" for ever....but that's why this isn't a "quick fix diet" it's a lifestyle change and one I'm looking forward to living!
I'm drinking more water (no fizzy drinks, milkshakes etc....), I'm using skimmed milk, taking vitamins, eating more fruit and veg, not eating fat.... not eating so many processed foods, not eating sweets, I've cut down on takeaways and eating out and when I DO eat out I'm making healthier choices! I'm looking after myself for once and I feel great for it!
I know I've got a problem with the "protein" side of things, but I don't really like meat!
I like chicken, turkey and tuna and that's it! No other seafood, fish or meat! And I've been avoiding the tuna as even the one in springwater gives me the dreaded oil! lol!
And I was thinking of just introducing fish into my diet and holding my nose whilst I ate it! But I really wanna ENJOY my "diet" and not do this.....any suggestions for protein?? How do veggies get their's??
I just gotta increase on the exercise front and then I'll be feeling FAB! I've got Curves tonight and I can't wait! I love that I'm looking forward to exercise!
I've found out that I can actually go to Curves "free" more than the 3 times a week! I just have to "cheat" and use my visitors pass at different Curves and not go to the same I've found 2 more fairly close to me and I've wrote myself an exercise plan for the next 3 weeks and I'm gonna tick it off as I do it!
If I stick to it 100% I'm going to put £100 away for new clothes! If I stick to it 50% I'm going to put £50 away.....and so on!
I haven't given myself TOO much so as to not set myself fail, just enough to make sure I do SOMETHING every day! So here's my plan for the next 3 weeks, starting today:
Thursday 20/08/2009:
2 mile walk and 30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches.
Friday 21/08/09:
2 mile walk with the pram to the shops and back
Saturday 22/08/2009:
Curves 30 mins workout, sit ups and stretches
(and will be out and about walking with OH and babba)
Sunday 23/08/09:
Go for a long walk down the beach and over the sand dunes
Monday 24/08/09:
Go for a walk
(Am busy this day with various appointments, AB has hosp appointments about her food haven't planned much in)
Tuesday 25/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Wednesday 26/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Thursday 27/08/09:
2 mile walk
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Friday 28/08/09:
2 mile walk
Saturday 29/08/09:
Fitness and Spa day with OH:
*Spend at least 45 mins in the gym, (cross trainer, treadmill, bike, rowing machine, weights)
*Followed by at least 20 mins swimming.
Then sauna, jacuzzi and spa!
Sunday 30/08/09:
Leisure Centre day with OH planned (Babba away with grandparents for the bank hol weekend!)
*At least 45mins in the gym again (same apparatus)
*At least 20mins swimming lengths
*Followed by sauna
Monday 31/08/09:
Weigh day first thing!! How much have I lost in a month??!!
*Exercise - just getting out and about with OH
Tues 01/09/2009:
2 mile walk to shops with pram
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Wed 02/09/09:
Go to gym with friend in morning, do at least 45mins, (cross trainer, rowing machine, treadmill, bike and weights)
Curves 30mins workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches.
Thursday 3/09/09:
2 mile walk to shops with pram
30 mins Curves workout, sit ups and stretches
Friday 4/09/09:
Go away for the weekend, so will spend most of day travelling.
Saturday 5/09/09:Away @ sports & leisure complex:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Sunday 6/09/09:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Monday 07/09/09:
Get up early and go to the gym - at least 45mins
Spend rest of day out and about walking lots
Tuesday 08/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Wednesday 09/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Thursday 10/09/09:
Back to work in the day, so will be on my feet all day
Curves 30min workout in the evening, sit ups and stretches
Phew...! So that's all the exercise I've planned for the next 3 weeks, I'll mark it off as I've done it and then add in anything extra I do.
Feel better now I've made a structured plan! Not sure if this is enough for maximum effects, but it's better than what I currently do! So surely ANY exercise is a step in the right direction!
Christmas is my "short-term" goal and I really hope to be able to mark off all my targets I've set in my signature so far by Christmas! My brother and his family are coming over from Sweden for Christmas and I really want them to notice a change in me, as any compliments I get off them re. weight loss will be more valid as I don't see them every day so they should notice a big change!
Food-wise today I've had:
*A SF bar for brekkie
*A mullerlite yogurt
*A cup of green tea
and lots of water!
I don't know what I'll be having for lunch, but I have chicken stir fry and noodles planned for tea! yummy!
Well, I've written an essay now! So gonna nose at some other pages!
Spk soon, xxxx