I'm back, with a 'condition'


Full Member
Hi guys, I've been absent for a while, not been on the plan for about 2 months :hmm:but i've had a real kick up the bum. Turns out I have a prolapsed uterus :eek:
Probably due to having to push out a huuuuge baby and being a fat moose doesn't help. Apparently I'm 'astonishingly young to have this condition' so the doc says. So I have no choice but to get back with it. On a good note, I nearly wet myself (not because of the prolapse) when I got on the scales at drs as I've stayed exactly the same weight!! havent put on a pound!! Don't know why cos I've been on a proper munch this last month???
Does anyone else have my 'condition'? Any advice/stories?
Anyway, lots of love to you all, lets get on with it xxx
My friend suffered a total prolapse (or 3rd degree prolapse if you want to google it) She was only 22, 5ft1 and just over 6 stone but delivered a hefty 9lb 12oz baby a couple of months before hers so weight may have nothing to do with it.
I suffered a 2nd degree prolapse immediately after the birth of my 2nd child (pushing at 8cm might have played a part) but by my 6 week check there was no sign of it as I did my pelvic floor exercises like a mad woman and have done ever since. 200-500 a day keeps my prolapse away and after having 4 kids I can still boast an excellent bladder, coughs and sneezes dont worry me.

Not sure what degree you have but 1st and 2nd degree are fixable with pelvic floor exercises, 3rd degree would usually require some medical intervention