Gold Member
Hi Thanks guys
I did make the decision to do ww I had a very small meal last night and 1 satsuma and this morning I had a tummy ache............I had a LL choc milksahke for breakfast and water god I cant eat when I give myself permission??!!I feel like as Im not at target I cant let myself eat?So I have emailed my CDC and asked if I could buy some packs off her as I would like to do CD Plan 790! I know I sound annoying and Im sorry but I so want to get and stay at goal I feel CDis the way for me to make that work.If she says no I will have to do WW as shes the only one with-in a 30 mile radius of me.
Fingers crossed
Hey , no worries - you don't sound annoying at all!!!!! You sound determiined and in a mild state of confusion! No shame in that sweetheart. You just have to do whatever you have to do hon, don't worry about it! I bet the CD790 is perfect for you and you will still lose loads! Fingers crossed she will say yes and you will ba a happy bunny again real soon xxx (((((((Hugs))))))