Yesterday was a good day
Another day in rehearsals, so I started with sautéed potatoes (frylight) and baked beans.
A hifi bar and black coffee on the drive there, and then 2 scan bran with Philly, cucumber and yellow pepper for lunch.
I also had fresh fruit and mullerlight.
We went out for tea to a place that does amazing burgers and chips, but I had salmon, veg and noodles, with sauce on the side, and I felt quite proud of myself. OH decided he wanted a pudding (he never has pudding...grrrrr) so I shared a sundae with him 30/70
This morning I woke up at 6am totally disorientated and ended up having a complete chocolate binge
(( I now feel sick AND hungry as 4 bars of chocolate may taste good, but they certainly don't fill you up....lesson learnt.
I'm not seeing much movement on the scales which is so frustrating because exercise-wise I've been really going for it, and all through the weekend (chocolate excepted) I've made the right choices.
I guess I'm feeling a bit 1 step forward, 2 back right now :-/