Aww I replied to your last post and it's not here

I saved the list thank you

well this is the fourth week, fourth weigh in should be Wednesday and fingers crossed, we'll have weighing scales by then! BUT I put on my size 18 summer mac this morning. At the start of this journey, I considered binning it and buying a bigger mac. I can't do it up and haven't been able to for a while (boobs are too big but can get it up to just below lol!), but the arms were so tight it felt embarrassing. Today I slipped it on expecting that same feeling of 'urgh, I've outgrown this!' But to my surprise the arms were looser, it didn't pull tight!
Until I see those figures on the scales, I daren't even think that I've lost weight. I just daren't because when I don't weigh myself, I am naughty and pile on the pounds. But although I've not followed slimfast to the T, I'm not eating crap either. Or at least crap on top of meals lol! For example, before I could easily wade through a large bag of minstrels without a moments thought, after having a bacon sarnie breakfast, ham sandwich and crisps for kunch, a fully cooked meal with dessert and in between all that, a few kit kats. They'd be gone before I'd realise. I had a bag last Sunday and a bag last night, though I didn't eat them all. Just over half way through I started to feel sick and yucky, so sealed them up and put them in the cupboard. Ok so I've just finished them off with a cup of coffee (not having a breakfast lol!) my excuse is my kids are back at nursery and school and I've two hours of bliss

I've gone from a bag of minstrels/chocolate every night, to two in four weeks
I'm pretty proud of my body and the transition from feeling ravenous at the thought of a diet, to feeling yucky when I put these junk foods in my body. Long may it continue xx