Full Member
Feeling so much better guys thank u I really needed to come of I became a different person
..I've eaten nothing un healthy stuck to drinking water I'm still having sweeteners no sugar...I think I'm gona start again for 3 weeks I really needed to gettin body sorted and I feeling so much better for it..since I ate I realised I wasn't even Hungary trust me guys u r missing nothing so if u will have me back il be back from Monday
usually if I gave up lipotrim I'd be straight back on the junk cuz I'd feel like a failure but this time my mind set has changed this is a long term thing and I haven't failed il get there..I know 11.6 seems like nothing but I don't carry it well size 14 doesn't fit my legs I need to be around 10.6 to get into a 12 comfortably wish me luck xxxxx