Principessa N
Minimins Addict
I can confirm that weight loss sadly doesn't wave a magic wand over the rest of your life but it does generally mean better clothes!
Kira is right - And at this stage, I wouldn't even think about this in terms of losing 14 stone. I'd consider losing a stone and set my stats to reflect this. And then... another target of another stone etc and so on and so forth. I think you could be under 20 stone easy pips by the time February is out... and that'd be good wouldn't it? We are usually always around when you're having a weak moment anyway for moral support.
That would be awesome, do you think I could lose that much by then? I don't really no how quickly it should come off to be honest although my cdc has said at first it will be quite quick.
I'm usually on and off forum throughout the day as it helps me even when I'm not wavering but especially when I am! Imitt prepare mentally for doing the vlcd and the bigger picture of longterm and you will achieve the results you want. As GG says small steps are better. I'm not advocating 'cheating' ion cd but if you find you have slipped or chosen to eat then don't eat any more as that's what got you overweight in the first place. Mentally prepare to get straight back on track. You'll have to,do that when you reach your magic target number in any event.
Also have a long chat with your husband and explain how you feel and you need his full support to do this. We're here for you. Also start thinking about Christmas. Are you going to cd all the way through the festive period or will you eat something and avoid carbs etc. start planning now. Use my fitness pal. If I knew all of this when I first started vlcd years ago I'd bee maintaining. I just didn't plan mentally pr physically. X
me too, I have access from work so I'm always sneaking on to have a nose whats going on
As for Christmas I try not to think about it most years as I don't like it or tend to celebrate it (bah humbug) but I do have a few parties to go too, i'm doing ss+/810 so I could have a bit of turkey and some veg :sign0137: I hate veg! I don't really want to have a day off as I'm learning from last week that its much harder to get back on the shakes once you've had a few days off.
Myfitnesspal keeps telling me off for not eating enough