
I've had the implant almost 2 years and cannot shift this weight, even following WW and exercising more than I ever have before! I've been looking on here and have decided to call tomorrow to get it removed. I have acne, tender breasts and no sex drive, but the weight problem is driving me nuts. I KNOW WW works and when you try hard and get nowhere it's disheartening. Hopefully it will help.x
Old post I know, but the Implanon is the devil (in my opinion) lol, I've had it twice (one before baby, one after baby), had non stop periods on it. Now I have the coil and no periods (but I have the period cramps) & I'm losing weight with it :)
I rang the clinic today and get it removed on Thursday. Really hope it makes a difference. x
wow, isn't it strange when you start wondering about something and then you find a thread about it, i was wondering about the implant, i had mine removed 2 years ago and i said the reason for removal was i wasn't loosing weight and my nurse told me that it wouldn't effect that, yet here i find lots of people that have had weight issues with it. I haven't had a form of contraception since but im now wondering whether i should or not, dont want to undo all my hard work and i know that i put on weight previously with all forms of the pill, the problem being i need one of the strongest ones out there, argh two minds here......
I had a problem but mine was with the coil, really bad acne, bleeding all the time - just felt like something wasn't right!

I have had the coil removed and the implant put in and think its fab - no problems xxx

I think it's down to individual person, everyones body is different and going to react in different ways xxx
I had my implant removed on Thurs and promptly started the heaviest TOTM in the 2 years since I had my implant. I only had slight bleed every 3 months or so with the implant, but that would last around 3 weeks! I am yet to see if my skin clears up/sex drive reappears/i lose weight, but the nurse said I can get another one if I choose to. I'm letting my body go 'au natrel' for a while and see how we go!x