Loving Life with TeamRH
Piccie.... of the new doo.... not the dahl 
So yesterday was the end of my 5 week blind weigh in. I had two losses, two maintains and one gain. I lost 6lb over all. I've now lost 4st1.5lb but didn't save my history so am heading towards my 3st award only 2.5lb to go. There is 4st between these pictures!
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Well I've had me nails done and my hair cut......
Could have been a much worse day
apart from the chocolate I had this afternoon
Think I will have some curry this evening - a tin of asda chickpea dahl is in order methinks
5lb off so glad that gain as been niggling at me cuz there was ni reason why.
Are bodies work in mysterious ways.
Are you food bargain hunting BCP or clothes.
1lb at a time as long as it takes.
Wishing you all the best i dreaded my first weigh in and was pleasently surprised.
Bad food day yesterday had choc w/bix for breakfast then car broke down at lunch time.... 2 hour wait.....finally arrive home at 5. Only to discover half our tropical fish dead or dying. Spent next 3 hrs trying to save what we had left which ended with a chinese.
Wanted a flexi syn day today as i'm out tonight with friends to watch a show. Feeling so bad about that chinese will not be straying from plan.
1lb at a time as long as it takes.
Can I come and join you all please? I joined SW 3 weeks ago and have so far lost half a pound. I lost 2 in my first week and then gained 1.5 the following week. Didn't have the heart to and weigh in this week as I'd had a rubbish week (diet wise and personally as well) and my home scales were showing a massive gain. Today I've realised I need a massive kick up the arse but there's a bit of me that wants to go back to WW but another bit that wants to stick with SW as I love the freedom of not counting. Basically I've got myself into a massive faff and I'm not sure what to do. I thought by maybe becoming more active on here, making 'friends' and recording my food then I may crack that barrier that I'm struggling to get through. Bought a 12 week countdown in the hope of motivating myself but even that hasn't worked. Half heartedly back on plan today and I've just shoved some jackets in the oven for tea. I weigh on a Wednesday night but thought id go to the Thursday group this week just to give myself that extra day