Hi there - I started SW last week and wouldn't mind someone to enthuse / rant / congratulate / vent (delete as applicable)
Why does this feel like a dating website, I don't know what to put now LOL
I'm attempting SW with my OH as he tends to do more cooking and we both could do with losing some weight before our wedding in November. He is actually really positive about it but is running short on patience for talking about it to death whereas I like rattling on about my hobbies with likeminded people
I have had success (3 stone loss, but now put 4 stone back on) with dietchef before but really looking to adopt a lifestyle, not a limiting crash/quick diet.
Also, I DO go to group but anyone who feels that forced cheerfulness, PEP and smiley encouragement (even genuine) sometimes make you want to put wieght on to spite the bringer of the cheer is MORE than welcome to get in touch

I can't help it, I'm a miserable b**ch I know but I've never been very good at small talk and people - in person anyway. I'm
totally loveable (read '
not as direct and dry') online.
Erm what else - I'm 29 in West Yorkshire.. used to have a very active job in civil engineering and Mining but now I work in technical sales and spend a lot of my time in the car and at service stations (catherdrals of calories) or I work from home which is easier now I don't keep easy grab syns around