Chilli egg noodles?....i presume they're hot?! Hope so!!!!!!
Did a gammon the other week, forgot about soaking it...heard of other people doing that ....mind you i 'like' the saltiness
Criminal that anything like those CSI's?.....My Donna loves watching the CSI's
Me too with the re-watch before starting new series! Yeah definitely in my top 10 - that would be an interesting list to work on
Criminals minds is similar type but better in my opinion
Criminals minds is similar type but better in my opinion
Criminal Minds - Shemar Moore ...... mmm, now that is one tasty man! lol (just don't tell my hubby, he'll think I'm having some kind of menopausal crisis!) and er, its a really good series too
may have to check these series out for myself!:8855:
Actually, if he was running ahead encouraging me, I'd possibly take up running!
Ooo, yes! Shemar Moore is indeed incredibly hot! I will admit I have a bit of a crush on Spencer as well....
Thats amazing - I'm going to fly thru my run in the morning visualising super hot Shemar jogging ahead of me
I know its so wrong as he's a baby but I would!
Controversial but Shemar doesn't do it for me...he looks about 14....
Have put some of those noodles in my online trolley though, thanks Shell! How about stirfrying them with bacon and some precious oil? That has got to be one of my fav meals! Or you could stir in some red pesto.
are you insane woman?!
So really happy with weigh in - lost an amazing and surprising 5.5lbs this week which means I got my 9.5 stone award:bliss: Also got Slimmer of the Week & Month. Felt bit bad hogging all the awards
For the campfire stew, all I do is put all of this into the slow cooker:
1 small gammon joint - all fat removed
1 onion, diced
2 orange peppers, diced
3 garlic cloves, crushed
1tsp smoked paprika
2 tins baked beans
6tbsp tomato puree
Although I often increase the amount of onion and peppers. Leave on low all day, or high for 6 hours, then 'pull' it like pulled pork, if cooked long enough it will come apart quite easily.