Hi all! It's so nice to hear all of your inspirational weight loss stories and am so happy I have finally plucked up the courage to go back to weight watchers!

Last year I lost nearly 3 stones on the weight watchers diet between February and June, going from 17stone to 14stone 11lbs. Sadly I was unable to keep up the motivation to lose more due to several changes in my life (my 21st b'day, going on holiday in July, my partner and I moving house and getting a new job). I think because of all of these changes I just didn't have the time and motivation to stick to my diet! have put on a stone in weight since then!
I am now 15stone 11lbs and in desperate need to lose weight!
The thing that has motivated me to lose weight is that it is my mum-in-laws 50th bday party in October and I really want her and my partner David to be proud of me!
and meeting a lot of family members I havent met is a real daunting thought!
I really really want to get down to 12 stone something, which means at least 3 stone to lose. I have worked out I need to lose at least 4lb a week for 9 weeks if I want to hit my target weight. I am crossing all my fingers and toes that I can do this!

Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments and I will be sure to keep you updated of my weight loss and any great tips I find! :thankyou:
Last year I lost nearly 3 stones on the weight watchers diet between February and June, going from 17stone to 14stone 11lbs. Sadly I was unable to keep up the motivation to lose more due to several changes in my life (my 21st b'day, going on holiday in July, my partner and I moving house and getting a new job). I think because of all of these changes I just didn't have the time and motivation to stick to my diet! have put on a stone in weight since then!
The thing that has motivated me to lose weight is that it is my mum-in-laws 50th bday party in October and I really want her and my partner David to be proud of me!
I really really want to get down to 12 stone something, which means at least 3 stone to lose. I have worked out I need to lose at least 4lb a week for 9 weeks if I want to hit my target weight. I am crossing all my fingers and toes that I can do this!
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave any comments and I will be sure to keep you updated of my weight loss and any great tips I find! :thankyou: