There are many issues connected with my obesity and consequently many reasons for wanting things to change: here is the one that probably tops the list for me.
I have a friend in Yorkshire (where I lived for five years) who also has a serious weight problem. In 2002 I was 3lb heavier than her but over the following years, we have experienced a 'parting of the ways' weight-wise. She has now gained several stones whilst I have lost 8st since then.
She is now rendered almost totally immobile and has to use a mobility scooter to go out. She's had to have a stannah stairlift installed and a special disabled shower as she can't use a bath. Her diabetes is out of control, she's on heart & blood pressure pills and her lower legs are turning a purplish black due to the circulation being affected.
On the other hand, I'm able to walk with a spring in my step, can ride my bike, swim and am going to Uni in September. My life is on the up.
Watching my dear friend deteriorate and suffer in this way made me realise that when it comes to obesity, the body is very forgiving up to a point but once the body has 'had enough', the decline can be rapid and difficult to redress. At the extreme end, it can be a killer and I've decided that, at 44, I'm too young to be brought down in this way - especially when the solution is in my own hands. My youngest is only 10 and I don't want her to have to witness her mum's decline into disability or god forbid, worse.
All the other things; feeling sexier, more confident, higher self-esteem, looking nicer in clothes etc are pure bonuses .... giving myself the chance to be around for many years to come to enjoy all the benefits is the biggest driving force for me.
Debbie x